Tag Archive for: qur’an

Similitudes and Parables in the Qur’an

Deaf, Mute, and Blind – Similitudes and Parables in the Qur’an I

The human faculties possess not only physical forms, but spiritual dimensions as well. And it is by using the external and internal meaning of vision, hearing, and the heart, that Allah Most High furnishes us with a similitude of those who reject faith.
Similitudes and Parables in the Qur’an

Similitudes and Parables in the Qur’an – Intro

Shaykh Jamir Meah introduces his new series: Similitudes and…
Mercy, the Stamp of Creation

Mercy, the Stamp of Creation

Dr Umar Faruq Abd Allah examines the role of mercy and eternal…
Greetings of Peace

Forgotten Sunnas: Greetings of Peace – Shaykh Jamir Meah

When we pass a fellow Muslim on the street, or sit next to each other on the train or bus, we are often hesitant to give salam. This could be for many reasons. However, it is important to try to overcome this barrier and be as free and generous with our greetings of peace with one another as possible, and ideally, stretch ourselves to even smile or look pleased to see another Muslim!

Adab 04: The Adab of Homes – Ustadh Tabraze Azam

There is much guidance from Allah and His messenger, Allah bless him and give him peace, regarding the standards of Muslim homes, and gratitude entails that we strive to adorn our homes with these matters as much as reasonably possible. Gratitude is more than mere words.
What Makes A Marriage Work

What Makes A Marriage Work – Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

In terms of what engenders and facilitates these relationships, one is really important: Islamic etiquette. It’s very important to remember that just like your brother, you’re supposed to greet them with a smile.
Qasida Burda

Nasheed Hub: Qasida Burda Part 6–On The Qur’an

The Nasheed Hub, an initiative of SeekersHub Global, aims to…
Sura al Waqi‘a Explained

Sura al Waqi‘a Explained, Part 2 – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the coherence, the themes, the…
Al Waqi‘a Explained pt 1

Sura al Waqi‘a Explained, Part 1 – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Sura al Waqi‘a is one of the most beloved suras of the Qur’an. It has a comprehensive summary of key themes. It is also one of the most dramatic suras in its message that conveys a great sense of urgency from beginning till end.
heroes and heroines of Islam

Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa on Sura Luqman–Luqman’s Advice to His Son

Sura Luqman emphasizes tarbiya, or spiritual growth, and is named…