Tag Archive for: Prophet Muhammad

Identity, Time and Peace

The question addressed in this article is central to our understanding…

Do the Bodies of the Prophets Decompose After Burial?

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat  Question: Assalamu…

The Three Degrees of Fasting – Imam al Ghazali

This is a translation of the passage on the three degrees of…

Image of Islam in Media

Question: I am a practising Muslim, but for the last ten years…

When Did The Prophethood of Allah’s Messenger Commence?

Question: Do we believe that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was…

How Do I See Prophet Muhammad in My Dreams? by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Four Keys to Invite Our Beloved Messenger into Our Dreams By…

Is It True That the Black Stone Was Originally an Angel?

Question: Is it true that the black stone was originally…

Perfect Mercy – The Prophet as a Friend

Perfect Mercy Program by SeekersGuidance The Prophet as a…

The Prophet’s Smile – Giving Charity

Giving Charity to Please our Beloved Prophet Muhammad By Shaykh…

 Triumphant in Times of Tribulations by Following the Prophet

  Triumphant in the times of Tribulations by Following…