Tag Archive for: prayer on time

What Do I Do If My Mum Stops Me From Performing Religious Duties?

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat  Question: Assalamu…

Can I Miss Zuhr Prayer Due To Online Classes?

Question: I am a student who is currently doing online classes…

What should I do if I prayed ‘Asr but am not quite sure if the ‘Asr prayer time had entered beforehand?

Question Summary What should I do if I prayed ‘Asr but am…

Are all of one’s deeds rendered void, if they do not pray?

Question Summary: Are all of one's deeds rendered void if one…

How Can I Remove Guilty Thoughts That Stop Me From Praying?

Question: How can I overcome my guilt? Answer: Dear questioner, Thank…

How Long Should the Prayer Take?

Question: How long should salah take [I heard 5 minutes] my salah…
Khoja Nasruddin on Prayer

Completing Dhuhr During Asr time

Question: If I start praying dhur salah and after I complete…