Tag Archive for: passing wind

What Does One Do, If One Doubts Whether They Passed Wind in the Prayer?

Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question I wanted to ask that…
Are You Making the Most of Your Wuḍūʼ?

What Should I Do If I Have Misgivings (Waswasa) about Passing Wind?

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat Question I have a problem…

What If You Have the Urge to Fart While in Congregational Prayer?

Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel Question What should I do if…

What Is the Ruling regarding Excused Person?

Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question I know If a person…
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Is My Prayer Valid in Which I Had the Urge to Pass Wind?

Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question I have heard that it…
Should I Repeat Past Prayers in Wich I Made Pronunciation Errors?

I Always Think That I Have Lost My Wudu During Prayer. What Can I Do?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question:As salam alaykum, Praying…

Should I Pray Sitting down Because of Excessive Gas?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalamu alaikum…

What Are the Sunnas Related to Burping and Passing Wind?

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question:Assalamu alaykum, What…

Dealing With the Constant Feeling that Gas Exits After Wudu

Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: I always make a…

What Should I Do If I Have the Urge to Pass Wind or Relieve Myself During Prayer?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: As sallamu alaikum…