Tag Archive for: nafs

Ten Steps to Allah. Step 1: Leaving Whim

As we get closer to Ramadan, focusing on what we are seeking…
The Scholar Who Worked as a Waiter

The Scholar Who Worked as a Waiter – Habib Umar

* Courtesy of Muwasala One of our teachers was Habib Muhammad…
Photo by brandon siu on Unsplash; tawhid; universal

Exploring Tawhid: Islam as a Universal Civilization

From the distant edges of our visual perceptions to the very core of our souls, we are called upon to bear witness to the wondrous nature of tawhid encapsulated within the equally wondrous nature of multiplicity. Islam is a universal civilization of Oneness within a universe of diversity.
Break Your Ego

Day 18: Break Your Ego–30 Deeds 30 Days

Day 18: Break Your Ego Allah is the All-Powerful, All-Near.…
Can I Ask for a Sign That My Du'a Has Been Accepted?

How Can I Resist Temptations and Sins?

Answered by Shaykh Jamir Meah Question: Assalamu alaykum How…
Abu Bakr

What Is the Difference Between Waswasa and Ego? [Video]

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question What is the difference…
The Lasting Spirit of Ramadan

True Hunger vs. The Greed of Our Stomachs, by Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa

Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa explains the meaning of true hunger where…

Unseen Realm: Shaykh Yahya Rhodus on the Nafs

We are all well familiar with the many aspects of our physical…

Perform An Act To Break Your Ego (30 Deeds, 30 Days), by Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

Perform An Act To Break Your Ego, by Ustadh Amjad Tarsin 30…

Day 19 in a Nutshell – Fighting The Hellish Fires Within Us, #YourRamadanHub Xtra

If you missed the livestream of the extraordinary short talks…