Tag Archive for: marriage

Wedding Night

Question: Is it okay for my wife and I not to have intercourse…

Marrying Someone Other Than Parent’s Choice

Question: I have been suffering from family problems since…

Marrying a Non-Muslim Interested in Islam

Question: I am 23 years old and am interested in marrying…
Learn a Short Surah

My Non-Muslim Parents Want Me To Marry a Non-Muslim

Question: Idolatrous parents don't approve of their daughter's…
Prophetic Parenting

Telling My Parents About My Boyfriend

Question: I'm in a true relationship with a person for the…
Prophetic Parenting

Marrying My Boyfriend

Question: I was born and raised in UAE and lived there for…
Reconnecting With Family

Choosing Phone Over Family

Question: My husband neglects me & the kids. He chats…
Worth of Marriage Advice

Marrying a Decent Christian Woman

Question: I have met at work a Christian woman who has very…
The Proprieties of Travel

Can a Man Prevent His Wife From Visiting Her Parents?

Question: Can a wife visit her parents without the permission…
Worth of Marriage Advice

How Should I Approach a Prospective Spouse?

Answered by Shaykh Farid Dingle Question If one sees someone…