Tag Archive for: marriage
How Long Is It Permissible To Date a Person Before the Nikah?
Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad
How long is it…
Should I Marry This Moderately Religious Girl or Wait and Look for a More Religious One?
Question: I'm strongly considering marrying someone, but I'm…
Can I Marry the Man I Love in Secret Because I Already Live With Him and My Parents Don’t Approve?
Question: My parents don't approve at all of the man that…
How Do I Deal With a Family Who Is Pressuring Me To Marry My Cousin Back Home?
Question: I am a 21-year-old Afghan woman currently in college…
What are some Sunna etiquettes for the first night after marriage? Are there any supplications to be recited before intimacy?
Question Summary
What are some Sunna etiquettes for the first…
What Should a Couple Do When They Have Divorced but Want To Re-Marry and They Fear a Delayed Nikah Will Make Them Fall Into Sin?
What Should a Couple Do When They Have Divorced but Want To Re-Marry…
Should I Get Engaged to a Man Who Wants To Delay the Proposal To Sort Out His Career First?
Question: I have been praying istikhara for marriage for some…
How can I seek a divorce?
Dear questioner,
Thank you for your important question.
Spouse no longers want sexual relations
Question: If one has become old and does not value sexual relations…
Should I Wait To Marry the Man That I Love Until He Gets a Job?
A man and woman like each other, but they live…