Tag Archive for: islam

Abu Zayd Balkhi on Depression – Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf
This is the second part of a talk by Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf on…

The Human Condition and the Sira – Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf
I am going to be talking about the issue of depression and anxiety in classical Islam. My focus is on some of the ways in which depression and anxiety were tackled in the classical Muslim civilization.

Sister Heraa Hashmi’s Guide to STEPS 1
Prolific blogger, student activist, and Confident Muslim award-winner…

What is Death? – Shaykh Hamza Karamali
In this new series, Remembering Death and the Afterlife, Shaykh…

Sura al Kahf: Dhul Qarnayn and Tawfiq – Shaykh Walead Mosaad
Shaykh Walead explains the story of Dhul Qarnayn and highlights…

The Blessings of Suhur – Shaykh Jamir Meah
Shaykh Jamir Meah gives us all a simple reminder of the blessings…

The Science of the Heart – Safina Society Podcast
The Safina Society team is joined by Mufti Niaz Hannan and Yusuf…

Sura al Kahf: Musa, Khidr and Knowledge – Shaykh Walead Mosaad
Shaykh Walead explains the story of Musa and Khidr, peace be…

Shaykh Nurayn Muhammad Siddiq Reads Sura al Hashr 15-24
Shaykh Nurayn Muhammad Siddiq reads beautifully from Sura al…

O Seeker! – Habib Ali al Jifri
Habib Ali al Jifri speaks on overcoming the seven obstacles in…