Tag Archive for: fiqh of tahara

Can I Use the Water of a Well in Which an Insect Has Died?

  Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question My well water…

Does Wearing Ear Correctors Affect the Validity of My Ghusl?

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat Question Behind my ears,…

Did I invalidate my wudu in the past?

Question: Assalamu alaykum While studying the basics (Shafi)…

Does oil, cream, or gel applied to the hair prevent water from reaching the hair when wiping in Wudu?

Question Summary Does oil, cream, or gel apply to the hair…

Does wiping over a dry spot with wet hands suffice for washing in wudu?

Question Summary Does wiping over a dry spot with wet hands…

Ignorance of the ritual bath (ghusl)

  Question: I had a wet dream a year ago and didn't know…

What is the ruling of washing the nose in wudu?

Question Summary What is the ruling of washing the nose in…

Can others spread impurity through face cream

Question Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful…

Filth that is excused

  Question: In the Shafi'i school, is there any amount…

How Do I Wash Impurities on My Skin?

Question: How do I wash impurities on the skin? Answer: Dear…