Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

November 3, 2023 2 mins

Do I Have to Obey My Father When He Tells Me to Sleep Early?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I’m an adult woman, and my father wants me to go to sleep at 10 p.m., which is way too early for me. His […]
November 3, 2023 3 mins

How Should I Engage Relatives Who Claim They Don’t Need to Be Practicing?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question How do I respond to family members who do not want to pray or practice Islam, wear hijab, or openly declare their faith? They […]
November 2, 2023 2 mins

Should I Repeat My Prayers If I Had Madhy on Clothes?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I am Shafi‘i, and learning about Islam and I learned about the vaginal discharges lately. I used to pray with madhy on my underwear […]
November 2, 2023 2 mins

How Should I Dispose of My Cat after It Dies?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question My cat is quite ill, and we are unsure about its remaining days. When it dies, how should we get rid of it? How […]
November 2, 2023 1 min

What Should My Hijab Be Covering?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question  What are the limits of the face when wearing hijab? Do we need to cover our entire jawbones or just the underside of the […]
November 2, 2023 2 mins

My Friend Said She’s Atheist. How Should I Advise Her?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Last year my friend had a pet that she loved. When her pet died she said she was an atheist. I advised her to […]
November 2, 2023 5 mins

I Feel Overwhelmed By Past Sins. What Should I Do?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I come from a secular Muslim country and no one around me practices so I didn’t know the basics of Islam until this year. […]
November 2, 2023 2 mins

Can I Marry the Woman I Fornicated With?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Before I converted I committed zina with a woman who I see as my soulmate. Our faith was weak. We have both repented and […]
November 2, 2023 2 mins

What Should I Do about My Ex-boyfriend Blackmailing Me?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I committed zina with my boyfriend. By Allah’s mercy, I changed and repented for what I did in the past. I broke up with […]
November 1, 2023 1 min

Is a Couple Still Legally Married without Consummating the Marriage?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question How many days can a married couple stay married without doing sexual intercourse? Is it legally married? Answer Thank you for your question. There […]
November 1, 2023 2 mins

Do I Have To Return Money I Stole Years Ago?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I reverted to Islam from Christianity a few years ago and I have recently been reading about restoring the rights of people I’ve wronged. […]
October 31, 2023 3 mins

How Do I Repent after Sharing My Wife’s Revealing Photos Out of Anger?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I committed a great sin and don’t know how to repent. Recently I shared to a single guy online, my wife’s picture in a […]
October 31, 2023 3 mins

How Do I Deal with the Mistake of Sending Someone My Nude Pictures?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question What should one do if one sent nude pictures to a boy when they were in a relationship, but after some time, they broke […]
October 31, 2023 3 mins

How Do I Approach a Boy Who Has Never Met Me for Marriage?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I’m an 18-year-old girl from Pakistan and a first-year student at university. I like a boy for his deen, and in sha Allah in […]
October 31, 2023 2 mins

Is a Man’s Prayer Valid When He Won’t Wait for His Wife to Join Him?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Is the prayer of a husband invalid if he ignores his wife and starts the prayer without her even though she signaled she wanted […]
October 30, 2023 3 mins

What Should I Do with a Cheating Husband Who Gives Me STDs?

Answered by Ustada Shazia Ahmad   Question My husband has been sleeping with women since before we got married, I thought he would stop after we got married but he […]
October 30, 2023 5 mins

Can One Cut Ties with a Narcissistic Friend Who Mistreats Him?

Answered by Ustada Shazia Ahmad   Question If someone used to stay in touch with a narcissistic friend and was manipulated by him, and that relationship affected his mental health […]
October 30, 2023 3 mins

Does My Dream Mean That I Should Not Pursue a Pious Girl for Marriage?

Answered by Ustada Shazia Ahmad   Question My friend committed zina in frustration and repented sincerely. He fell in love with someone who is a pious Muslim, he tried his […]
October 30, 2023 5 mins

Do Sufi Tariqas Have Legitimate Chains to the Prophet?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I have heard from a scholar that Sufi Tariqas such as the Qadiri and Shadhili tariqas have legitimate chains going back to their founders, […]
October 30, 2023 2 mins

Is It Shirk to Only Pray Because My Parents Told Me To?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Is It Shirk to Only Pray Because My Parents Told Me To? Answer Thank you for your question. May Allah reward you for being […]
October 29, 2023 3 mins

How Does One Deal with Heartbreak after Quitting a Haram Relationship?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I left a haram relationship that lasted three years, and we had plans to get married. But conflicts arose between us, so we parted […]
October 28, 2023 2 mins

Can a Woman Look at Another Woman’s Stomach for Instructional Purposes?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Someone sent me a video about stomach fat reduction, and in it, a lady was showing her bare stomach. I thought her body shape […]
October 28, 2023 2 mins

Can I Pay Fidya for Ramadan Fasts Missed Due to Menstruation?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I paid fidya (compensation) for the whole of Ramadan, as my period dates are very unpredictable. I fasted for 15 days; then, I was […]
October 28, 2023 2 mins

Should I Take a Ghusl Ten Days after My Period?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question The question that I have is about the end of periods. I have read the answers regarding this, but I am still confused. At […]
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