Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib

November 11, 2022 1 min

Critical Issues Seminar: How Do I Seek Knowledge?

On Friday September 17th, SeekersGuidance kick-started the Critical Seminars in Istanbul, Turkey at Bilim ve İnsan Vakfı Genel Merkezi with our esteemed guest speakers including Shaykh Basim Itani, Shaykh Muhammad […]
March 16, 2020 3 mins

Reliance of the Traveller (Umdat al-Salik) | 10-Month Intermediate Course in Sha...

In the Name of Allah, Merciful and Compassionate, with blessings and peace upon our Master Muhammad, his folk, and companions, Attention to all interested students, Shaykh Dr. Mohammed Badhib will […]
May 2, 2019 0 mins

Making the Most of Ramadan – Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib & Shayk...

In this reminder, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib advises how to take advantage of sacred times of the year where blessings are multiplied. He especially emphasizes making righteous intentions for […]
February 7, 2019 4 mins

SeekersGuidance Helpers Program

At the start of 2019, an exciting internship program began at SeekersGuidance Islamic Seminary. The SeekersGuidance Helpers Program is a brand-new internship program aimed at utilizing the talent and passions […]
February 6, 2019 3 mins

The Historical Significance of the Dala’il al-Khayrat

Laila Abdel Ghany explores the history behind the Dala’il al-Khayrat, and why it had such a massive impact on Islamic history. The Dala’il al Khayrat wa Shawariq al-Anwar fi Dhikr […]
June 3, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 13: Belief in the Afterlife – Shaykh Muhammad Ab...

Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib closes Imam Zabidi’s treatise on the Branches of Faith “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The Necklace of Pearls in Clarifying the Branches of Faith), […]
June 3, 2018 2 mins

(Part 5 of 5) The Foremost Way of Seeking Forgiveness: Sayyid al-Istighfar Expl...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib concludes Imam Ahmad ibn Zayn al-Habshi’s treatise on sayyid al-istighfar (the foremost way of seeking forgiveness). He continues looking at various methods […]
June 3, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 12: Civic Duties – Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-D...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues looking at the Branches of Faith relating to civic life from Imam Zabidi’s treatise “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The […]
June 3, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 11: Civic Life – Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhi...

Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues looking at the root concerning the matters of this life from Imam Zabidi’s treatise on the Branches of Faith “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab […]
June 3, 2018 2 mins

Branches of Faith – 10: Domestic Life – Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues looking at the Branches of Faith from Imam Muhammad Murtada al-Zabidi’s text “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The Necklace of […]
June 3, 2018 2 mins

(Part 4 of 5) The Foremost Way of Seeking Forgiveness: Sayyid al-Istighfar Expl...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib begins to look at the conclusion of Imam Habshi’s treatise on sayyid al-istighfar (the foremost way of seeking forgiveness). He explores the […]
May 30, 2018 2 mins

(Part 3 of 5) The Foremost Way of Seeking Forgiveness: Sayyid al-Istighfar Expl...

Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues the series on sayyid al-istighfar (the foremost way of seeking forgiveness) where he covers Imam Ahmad ibn Zayn al-Habshi’s treatise on this supplication. In […]
May 26, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 07: Branches Relating to Outward Actions – Shayk...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues looking at the Branches of Faith from Imam Zabidi’s text “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The Necklace of Pearls in […]
May 24, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 06: That Which Relates to Speech – Shaykh Muhamm...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues looking at the Branches of Faith from Imam Zabidi’s text “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The Necklace of Pearls in […]
May 23, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 05: Adorning the Heart with Praiseworthy Traits –...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues looking at the Branches of Faith from Imam Zabidi’s text “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The Necklace of Pearls in […]
May 23, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 04: Ridding the Heart of Blameworthy Traits – Sh...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib begins looking at the next root of the Branches of Faith from Imam Zabidi’s text “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The […]
May 23, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 03: Belief in God’s Actions and Commands –...

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib looks at the second root for the Branches of Faith relating to belief in Allah Most High, believing in those points of […]
May 23, 2018 2 mins

(Part 2 of 5) The Foremost Way of Seeking Forgiveness: Sayyid al-Istighfar Expl...

Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues the series on sayyid al-istighfar (the foremost way of seeking forgiveness) where he covers Imam al-Habshi’s treatise on this supplication. In this session Shaykh […]
May 20, 2018 2 mins

Branches of Faith – 02: Belief in God’s Entity and Attributes –...

In this session on the Branches of Faith, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib begins covers the first root for the branches of faith, which is the belief in God’s entity, […]
May 20, 2018 2 mins

(Part 1 of 5) The Foremost Way of Seeking Forgiveness: Sayyid al-Istighfar Expl...

Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib begins the series on sayyid al-istighfar (the foremost way of seeking forgiveness) by citing the hadith that mentions this formula. He moves on to begin […]
May 18, 2018 1 min

Branches of Faith – 01: Introduction – Shaykh Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib

In this introductory session on the Branches of Faith, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib gives an introduction to the topic. He gives an overview of the history of the genre, […]
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