Episode 31
July 13, 2018

Spirituality and Islam – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the importance of connecting to the Qur'an as a means to purifying one's heart. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 30
July 4, 2018

What Happens to You When You Die Part Two – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the reality of death and how it is the beginning of the real life, rather than the end of life. He looks at the process of the extraction of the soul from the body, and the lowering of the body in the grave Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 29
May 12, 2018

What Happens to You When You Die Part One – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the reality of death and how it is the beginning of real life, rather than the end of life. He looks at the process of the extraction of the soul from the body, and the lowering of the body in the grave Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 28
May 6, 2018

Why are We Here? – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo answers the pivotal and essential question: Why are you here? Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

Episode 27
April 16, 2018

25: Chase Your Dream: Islam and the Spiritual Realm – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo discusses what it means to have success in life and what it means to have ultimate success in the hereafter. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

Episode 26
March 2, 2018

The Nobility and Rank of Sayyida Fatima az Zahra Part One- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo(rebroadcast)

In this podcast, Shaykh Ahmed Abdo reflects on the nobility, and high rank of Fatima az-Zahra the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and her most closely following the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in conduct and character.

Episode 25
February 23, 2018

How To Deal With Those Who Insult The Messenger of Allah ﷺ – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

In this podcast, Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains how one is to act towards those who insult the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and that is returning others bad conduct with nothing but good as this was the prophetic example   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 24
February 15, 2018

Who are the Sincere Ones- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

In this Friday sermon, Shaykh Ahmed Abdo  explains not only who are the sincere ones but it means to be sincere. Shaykh Ahmed reminds us how fear of Allah will bring one closer to Allah.   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 23
January 31, 2018

Supporting Scholars and Students in Need – A Message from Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

  Through the SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Scholars Fund, SeekersGuidance Global has been able to help numerous scholars and students of knowledge in need to continue to study and serve their communities. Help is still urgently needed for a number of ongoing cases to help scholars and students of knowledge in need. Please donate today for this ongoing charity. Donate now at seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate. All donations are zakat-eligible and are tax-deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 22
December 7, 2017

Prophetic Selections- Love of this World- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo(rebroadcast)

In this podcast, Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains how the love of this world is the cause of many harms, and how the following of  the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) brings about light into one's life.

Episode 21
November 23, 2017

The Beautiful Character of our Beautiful Prophet Muhammad ﷺ- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

 In this podcast, Shaykh Ahmed Abdo reflects on the exalted character of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and him being a gift from Allah Most High.

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Episode 20
November 15, 2017

Who is Qualified to Give Dawah- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo(rebroadcast)

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains who is qualified to give dawah, and how one is to call to Allah with care and concern, and mercy. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

Episode 19
October 4, 2017

Seven Reasons Why You Should Seek Sacred Knowledge- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo (rebroadcast)

In this podcast, Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains sevens reasons why you should seek knowledge, and how to do so. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 18
May 31, 2017

Sweetness of Faith – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains what is the sweetness of faith, and how to achieve it. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 17
May 16, 2017

Islam in the West- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains how to preserve and protect one's spirituality in the West. While maintaining one's connection with Allah. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 16
May 9, 2017

Getting Ready for Ramadan- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains why it is important to prepare for the month ramadan before its arrival. In order to get the full benefit and reward. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 15
April 25, 2017

Keep the Company of Three People-Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo presents which three types of people are more deserving of your time. One will learn about what you can benefit from the elderly, the scholarly, and the wise. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 14
April 18, 2017

The Pursuit of Optimism in Islam – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast  Shaykh Ahmed Abdo presents an insight into reviving the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)  by being optimistic. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 13
April 11, 2017

When is one ready to get married? Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains when one is ready to get married, and some key principles to be aware of before getting married. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 12
April 8, 2017

Marvels of the Heart- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo introduces the work by Imam Ghazali d.505 A.H. titled Ihya Uloom al-Din, along with a short biography of Imam Ghazali himself. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 11
March 20, 2017

Hadith Jibril Explained (Part Four) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the Hadith Jibril. It is one of the cornerstone hadith that explain the foundation of Islam. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 10
March 18, 2017

The Nobility and Rank of Sayyida Fatima az Zahra Part Two- Shaykh Ahmed Abdo(rebroadcast)

In this podcast, Shaykh Ahmed Abdo reflects on the nobility, and high rank of Fatima az-Zahra the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and her mostly closely following the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in conduct and character.   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 9
March 16, 2017

Hadith Jibril Explained (Part Three) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the Hadith Jibril. It is one of the cornerstone hadith that explain the foundation of Islam. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 8
March 13, 2017

Hadith Jibril Explained (Part Two) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the Hadith Jibril. It is one of the cornerstone hadith that explain the foundation of Islam. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 7
March 8, 2017

Hadith Jibril Explained (Part One) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the Hadith Jibril. It is one of the cornerstone hadith that explain the foundation of Islam. Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 6
March 4, 2017

Living the Dream (Part Three) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the weightiness of acts of worship, along with how acts of worship are priceless. He, also explains why if one wants to succeed in the hereafter they must follow the example and role model of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)? Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 5
February 28, 2017

Living the Dream (Part Two) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the weightiness of acts of worship, along with how acts of worship are priceless. He, also explains why if one wants to succeed in the hereafter they must follow the example and role model of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)? Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 4
February 21, 2017

Living the Dream (Part One) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In  this podcast Shaykh Ahmed Abdo explains the weightiness of acts of worship, along with how acts of worship are priceless. He, also explains why if one wants to succeed in the hereafter they must follow the example and role model of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/)

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Episode 3
February 7, 2017

The Sunnah the Better (Part Three) -Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast titled the Sunnah the Better: We will come to learn and experience what the Sunnah represents and whose Sunnah it is that we follow and how human beings are naturally inclined to follow others and so therefore who greater to follow than the example and role model of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/).

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Episode 2
February 4, 2017

The Sunnah the Better (Part Two) -Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In this podcast titled the Sunnah the Better: We will come to learn and experience what the Sunnah represents and whose Sunnah it is that we follow and how human beings are naturally inclined to follow others and so therefore who greater to follow than the example and role model of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/).

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Episode 1
February 1, 2017

The Sunnah the Better (Part One) – Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

In Shaykh Ahmed Abdo's first podcast episode, The Sunnah the Better, we come to learn what the Sunnah represents, whose Sunnah it is that we follow and how human beings are naturally inclined to follow others. Who greater to follow than the example and role model of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)? Shaykh Ahmed Abdo is the founder and resident scholar at the Shifa Institute in Sydney, Australia (http://shifa.net.au/).

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