Episode 209
January 26, 2021

209-The Rawha- New Beginnings – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani starts by calling all believers to reflect on the new beginning. By committing to journeying to Allah and to understand that the prophetic migration was not from Makka to Madina in its reality. He goes on to give an example of how one should be in this world by giving an example from one of the great scholars of our time Shaykh Abdul-Razzaq Al-Halabi in the advice he gave his son to 1) call to Allah, 2) have high resolve, and 3) have a sound heart. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 208
January 18, 2021

208-The Rawha- al-Barzanji: Background and Introduction – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz begins with insights on the opportunities found in Rabi’ al-Awwal of renewing faith and rejoicing. The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) spoke about his birth, and scholars wrote works celebrating it. Perhaps the most famous of these mawlids was that of Imam Barzanji, who was of Kurdish descent and served as the Shafi`i mufti of Medina. Shaykh Faraz highlights some of the hallmarks of this mawlid, which was widespread in the Muslim world. He also discusses why Muslims worldwide often read works like this in the original Arabic rather than the praise-works in their own languages. He closes by translating the opening couplet of the Mawlid al-Barzanji, and reminds us that works such as this one should be used to reconnect with the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and renew one’s faith. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 207
January 9, 2021

207- The Rawha -Make the Most of Your Free Time With This Great Supplication – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani highlights the narration of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), in which he tells us about two great blessings that most people lose out on health and free time. Shaykh Faraz then explains that one of the ways the righteous sought to make the most of free time, is to turn to Allah in supplication for that which benefits people. He then narrates a great supplication from Ma`ruf al-Karkhi, one of the righteous imams of the early Muslims (salaf): “Whoever says, ‘Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad Allahumma farrij `an Ummati Muhammad Allahumma Rham Ummata Muhammad (O Allah, improve the state of the Umma of Muhammad O Allah, grant ease to the Umma of Muhammad O Allah, have mercy on the Umma of Muhammad),’ ten times every day will be written down as one of the highest of elect believers (abdal).” [Abu Nu`aym, Hilyat al-Awliya , 8.366]   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 206
January 1, 2021

206- The Rawha- How to Avoid Self-Satisfaction – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this short clip, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani gives advice on how to avoid self-praise, conceit, and self-concern if one is successful in work and life. He looks at an aphorism of one of the great scholars of Islam, Ibn ʿAta'illah, on this issue: "The believer is busied by praising Allah from being too appreciative of his own good, and is busied by the rights of Allah from having too much concern for his own selfish interests." For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 205
December 27, 2020

205-The Rawha- Worldly Responsibilities and Spiritually Stagnant – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani starts this talk by explaining after knowing Allah, the next thing one will experience explains many scholars is one will feel discomfort. One should live this life for the next life explains Shaykh Faraz.  Then Shaykh Faraz moves on to explain a Hikma of Imam Ibn Ibn Ata’illah when he says “Do not travel from one created thing to another created thing, lest you become like a donkey going around a mill.” Everything is a light explains Shaykh Faraz as they are creations of Allah Most High. Shaykh Faraz ends by reminding all of the power of intention, and a reminder for all to heed to is to make everything we do for Allah this how one reaps the benefit in this worldly life.  For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 204
December 15, 2020

204 -The Rawha-Why Gather to Praise Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this talk, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains some meanings, which are rooted in the Qur'an, behind why we gather to praise and celebrate Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He does so through reflecting and on some lines of the poem by Habib Umar bin Hafiz relating the life and virtues of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 203
December 6, 2020

203- The Rawha- The Blessings of Gatherings of Remembrance – Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

In this short reminder, Shaykh Yusuf Weltch reminds all of the blessings of gathering for the sake of Allah. For these gatherings are not gatherings of this worldly life these are gatherings of the hereafter. So one should know, and realize these gatherings have a divine honoring in them. Shaykh Yusuf goes on to explain that Allah has special days that are not like other days, so one should seek them out and recite much remembrance of Allah in them. Shaykh Yusuf ends by imploring all to stay away from the sins that cloud one's heart, rather one should seek Allah and polish the heart with the remembrance of Allah.  For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 202
December 2, 2020

202- The Rawha- Was the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)Ever Misguided? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the question: Was the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) ever misguided?  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the state of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) before being sent with Islam as conveyed in Sura al -Duha. He clears the confusion regarding some of the wrongful interpretations of these verses. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting  https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/ Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 201
November 23, 2020

201- The Rawha- Love of the Prophet (May Allah bless him and give him peace) is the Key to Faith, Forgiveness and Divine Favor – Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said

Shaykh Faid Said gives an inspiring talk in which he highlights the importance of loving the Prophet (May Allah bless him and give him peace). He emphasized that the strength of faith, forgiveness, and the favor of God is facilitated by nurturing and strengthening one's love of the Prophet ((May Allah bless him and give him peace). Shaykh Faid ends the talk by advising everyone to hold fast to strengthening their relationship with the Qur'an and expressed its importance in our lives. He advised having regular routines of reciting the Qur'an. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate    

Episode 200
November 15, 2020

200- Attaining the Station of Those Who Fast and Pray at Night Through Good Character – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this reminder, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains a hadith of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) in which he said  "Truly a person will attain through good character the rank of those who fast and pray at night.” Shaykh Faraz explains that the attaining mentioned in the hadith is achieved through one exerting effort. Shaykh Faraz explains that true intelligence is not having a sharp intellect rather it is distinguishing between benefit and harm, and then acting accordingly.  For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 199
November 9, 2020

199-The Rawha- Easy Wins: Taking Advantage of Voluntary Prayers – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Voluntary (nafl) prayers during the day are a neglected sunna, declares Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. He encourages us to aim not only for the most virtuous and difficult deeds, like night vigil (tahajjud), but also to take advantage of easy devotional works. He notes that while the Prophet’s prayers were inimitable, his Companions sought to imitate what they could. Shaykh Faraz urges us to find excuses to insert extra prayers into our day. He highlights the ease of remembrance and prayer—allowed in virtually any time and place—in contrast with earlier religious traditions. He also mentions scholars’ advice on distinguishing one’s practice through voluntary works, not limiting one’s relationship with Allah to the prayer mat, and maintaining one’s spiritual practice wherever one goes. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 198
November 1, 2020

198-The Rawha- Four Traits to Gain Allah’s Pleasure by Hatim al-Asamm – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this reminder, Shaykh Faraz looks at a reminder by Hatim al-Asamm, one of the great early masters of the spiritual path:  "Whoever wakes up any day upright in four matters, then he is turning over in the good pleasure of Allah Most High: (1) complete confidence in Allah Most High, (2) trust in Allah, (3) sincerity, and (4) knowing Allah (maʿrifa)—and all things are made complete by knowing Allah.”  Shaykh Faraz explains these four traits and gives examples of their exemplification in the life of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), shedding light on the tremendousness of the Prophet’s character. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 197
October 24, 2020

197-The Rawha- The Inward Beauty of the Prophet’s Worship (Allah bless him and give him peace) – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani recounts the saying of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), “The joy of my eyes has been placed within the prayer.” Citing quotes from the companions, he highlights how the reality of the Prophet’s worship was not just in its outward form, it was in its inward reality, of being with Allah Most High—a consciousness which extended even into his sleep. Shaykh Faraz explains that the ultimate standard of outward beauty found in the Prophet’s example must be matched with the inward beauty he exemplified of presence with Allah. He reminds us that this is the essence of the sunna, to which every sunna is a means. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 196
October 17, 2020

196 – The Rawha- The Importance of Proper Manners- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this podcast, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reminds the believers of the importance of proper manners. How proper manners are an affirmation of love. Shaykh Faraz explains how proper manners are not small things. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 195
October 11, 2020

195 – The Rawha- Reviving the Heart with Righteous Intentions- Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

In this podcast, Shaykh Yusuf Weltch begins by reminding everyone that gatherings are an opportunity to make new intentions and the importance of making intentions. He goes on to explain how gatherings especially ones that are done consistently are a chance to revive the heart. Shaykh Yusuf ends by explaining that the overarching character trait of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) was mercy. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 194
August 10, 2020

194-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-Living Trueness – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

  Shaykh Faraz begins by explaining how the believer’s trueness is constantly tested. He highlights how the believer should maintain self-vigilance, by watching over one’s inclinations for the sake of Allah and taking oneself to task as to whether one is living trueness in tribulations. He reminds that one should “know one’s worth” as an honored slave of Allah and remain firm on the way of truth, a consequence of which is Allah’s placing love for one in the hearts of His creation. Next, Shaykh Faraz sheds light on how trueness in seeking leads to inward knowledge and gnosis by Divine facilitation. It’s not about how much you know, it’s how much you act on what you know, he explains. He discusses how this knowledge bequeaths awe of Allah, confidence in Allah bequeaths trust in Him, certitude—through nurturing one’s faith—bequeaths reverence, and how increase is for the grateful. The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) would pray at night to “be a grateful servant,” and Shaykh Faraz closes by shedding light on how night prayer is a practical way we can direct Allah’s blessings towards gratitude to Him. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 193
August 2, 2020

193-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Seeking Guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

  Continuing to look at Imam Harith al-Muhasibi’s “Treatise for the Seekers of guidance” Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses reliance on Allah and seeking guidance from Him, two qualities highlighted in the Fatiha. We take the outward means, but we turn to Allah first—only He has true Ability and Power. He also talks about the prayer of seeking guidance (istikhara), its importance, and how it offers guidance on making a choice pleasing to Allah. Shaykh Faraz sheds light on leaving objection to Decree, which only brings harm to one. Instead, one should ask oneself how to respond in a way pleasing to Allah Most High and cites a parable to illustrate this concept. Next, he looks at a criterion in making choices: only do something you’d want to die doing. He gives the example of some early Muslims who “could not increase in good works if they were to die tomorrow.” Having false hopes is to imagine you will live to the next moment without the possibility of death. Shaykh Faraz closes by looking at counsels to leave qualities one dislikes in others and to leave the discretionary company that doesn’t improve one. Finally, he highlights the importance of actively seeking out good company.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 192
July 26, 2020

192-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Acquiring Inward Virtues – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins by looking at a hadith highlighting where one is in relation to Allah. Which is measured by one’s veneration and conscious knowledge of Him. Whoever chooses Allah, Allah chooses them, and as you are in your relationship with Allah, so shall you find. He highlights that Allah will not punish one for nor will one find loss in anything you left for His sake. The proof of these promises is in the living. He discusses leaving ill opinion, especially of Allah Most High, through good interpretations, leaving envy through not having long hopes, leaving arrogance through recognizing Allah's Might and Majesty, leaving any action for which one would have to apologize through mindfulness of consequences, and leaving putting on airs, contrasted with the beautiful simplicity of the sunna. Next, Shaykh Faraz sheds light on the acquisition of other virtues. One guards one's religion through following the sunna of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in everything. One preserves the trust of prophetic guidance through seeking knowledge and guards one's intellect through the proper manners of people of forbearance. He closes by mentioning being prepared with patience in every situation, staying in spiritual solitude (social solitude against sunna) through remembrance, and accompanying blessings with gratitude. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 191
July 19, 2020

191-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Making Moral Choices – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins with a counsel on returning anything unclear to the Quran, sunna, and the religious manners—scholars' applications of the Quran and sunna to particular life circumstances. He shows that this clear religious guidance is the basis of Islamic spirituality, and that religious literacy is needed to make moral judgments. This requires grounding ourselves in religious knowledge and having a daily connection with the Qur'an and hadith. Shaykh Faraz moves on to remind to take the opinion of someone whose religion & judgment one trust if something remains unclear. He explains the role of the spiritual heart in religious answers versus other inner faculties, in light of the hadith "Seek an answer from your heart." The question one should ask one's heart, he clarifies, is which choice is more likely to be most acceptable, pleasing, or beloved to Allah. He closes with a counsel on restraining one's limbs through knowledge and through the consciousness of Allah Most High's closeness. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 190
July 12, 2020

190-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Heedlessness & Internal Enemies – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins this session by warning against the harms of places of heedlessness and sin, and places where one will be deceived by one’s internal enemies—worldliness, the Devil, one’s lower self and whims. He warns against excesses that stir up one’s desires, directly or indirectly such as bad company, doubtful food, and false dreams without action. He closes by explaining the teaching of Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace): “The worst of your enemies is your lower self (nafs) between your two sides.”   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 189
July 5, 2020

189- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Religious Virtues & Adab – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this session, Shaykh Faraz begins by explaining the importance of holding fast to proper manners (adab) and the purpose of seeking knowledge. He warns against the harms of following whims and anger and encourages a state of spiritual wakefulness and consciousness. He highlights the virtues of gentleness and circumspection (being mindful of consequences). He discusses the importance of watching out for one’s religious safety and profiting from one’s free time. He closes by shedding light on taking this life as a means to the Hereafter. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 188
June 28, 2020

188- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Concern for Allah & His Creation – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins this session with a hadith on relieving oneself of worldly concerns to make the Hereafter one’s primary concern. He sheds light on how Allah will place mercy and love in people’s hearts for one who turns to Him, and how such a person is a source of good and love for all around them. Shaykh Faraz gives examples of the love and concern of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) for even animals. In all one’s interactions, he reminds, one’s foremost concern should be prioritizing what is more pleasing to Allah. He closes by reminding us not to argue about the Quran or religion.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 187
June 21, 2020

187- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Prioritizing the Hereafter- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues covering Muhasibi’s “Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). He begins by looking at counsels to prepare for one’s ultimate interest, the Hereafter, not making worldly people one’s advisors, and seeking what is actually beneficial for one. He advises to truly examine one’s state and how one uses Allah’s blessings. Shaykh Faraz explains how one who makes the Hereafter his first priority will be sufficed by Allah from his worldly concerns, and references a Prophetic statement to that effect. He closes by discussing reflection and spiritual planning and prioritization.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 186
June 14, 2020

186- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Keeping the Hereafter in Mind – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Covering Muhasibi’s “Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin), Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins by looking at a reminder to act keeping in mind that one will be recompensed for one’s good and evil. He reminds us that this doesn’t relate solely to the obligatory alone, but also to seeking good for others. Shaykh Faraz moves on to explain counsels on being thankful, decreasing one’s worldly wishes (as opposed to next worldly ones), visiting graves to remember death, and imagining the Resurrection mentioned throughout the Quran. He closes with a warning against evil and wrongdoing—particularly through usury (riba)—and a reminder of the blessing in truly enriching activities.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 185
June 7, 2020

185-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-Being True – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Continuing to cover Muhasibi’s “Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin), Shaykh Faraz Rabbani starts by looking at the counsel “Choose to be true in every circumstance.” He explains what it means to be true to Allah Most High and to oneself. Next, he discusses leaving the useless—excesses beyond need or benefit. Shaykh Faraz also covers counsels highlighting the consequences of truthfulness and lying, not speaking without benefit, not arguing, and only mentioning others in a positive manner. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 184
May 31, 2020

184-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-Counsel & True Friendship – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues covering Muhasibi’s “Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin), where he continues to shed light on receiving counsel. Muhasibi says, "The one who gives you sincere counsel truly loves you, and the one who 'butters you up' cheats you." Shaykh Faraz explores this concept of true friendship, noting that one should keep the company of those who aid one in one's spiritual and worldly goals. He laments the nature of our superficial relationships today, contrasting it with the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), who manifested concern for others. Shaykh Faraz notes that this counsel also relates to those who one takes advice from. He also looks from the angle of giving advice: "One who does not accept one's advice is not a true friend," Imam Muhasibi warns. Shaykh Faraz closes by looking at additional Islamic proverbs which highlight the importance of sharing counsel in our communities. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 183
May 24, 2020

183- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-Expressing Concern – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Continuing to look at Muhasibi’s “Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin), Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explores the counsel on expressing sincere concern (nasiha) for Allah, His Messenger, and the believers. He explains what each means and how true concern and care, both social and spiritual, is lived and expressed in one’s life, citing examples from stories of the righteous. He encourages having a share in every door of the good, making dua, and consistent, sincere action to express concern. Shaykh Faraz moves on to Imam Muhasibi’s reminder to consult those who revere Allah. He emphasizes taking counsel from the Quran, hadith, and those around us. He closes by reminding us to connect to religious guidance for counsel and to make consistent one’s turning to Allah.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 182
May 17, 2020

182- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-Remembrance of Allah & Humility – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this session, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues covering Muhasibi’s “Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin), looking at two counsels, on humbling oneself to the Truth and on being constant in the remembrance of Allah (dhikr). Shaykh Faraz expands on the latter, looking many of the virtues of remembrance mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the scholars. He also gives 4 tools for bringing remembrance in one’s life. He closes by looking at a quote on those close to Allah on the Day of Resurrection.   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 181
May 10, 2020

181- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-Upholding Truth & Good Company – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues looking at Muhasibi's "Treatise for Seekers of Guidance" (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). He starts this session by highlighting the importance of both speaking the truth and upholding it, citing dire warnings in the Quran and sunna for those who command the truth and turn away from it. Next, Shaykh Faraz sheds light on companionship, emphasizing the importance of having religiously intelligent company. He classifies company into three levels, (1) exemplars, who set standards, (2) companions, who uphold the standards, (3) and expected work and family interactions. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 180
May 3, 2020

180- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-True Faith & Belief in Destiny – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this session, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains that belief in destiny entails seeing everything as being from Allah. He postulates that if we realized this reality, we would ask ourselves what Allah seeks from us. Giving advice on how to keep our faith fresh, he gives advice on how to make dua. Shaykh Faraz closes the session on how to plan for Ramadan. He suggests that the best thing one can do for the holy month is not more non-obligatory devotion, but to remove any barriers one has between oneself and Allah Most High. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate

Episode 179
April 26, 2020

179- The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers- Presence in Prayer- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz explains what it means to "pray the prayer of one departing." He informs us how we can judge our relationship with Allah through our presence in prayer and other "barometers of faith," and gives examples of the presence of the foremost Muslims in prayer. Next, Shaykh Faraz gives essential advice mentioned by the scholars on how to "pray the prayer of one departing": (1) Turn to Allah inwardly before you say "Allahu Akbar;" (2) In the prayer, mean it before you say it; (3) Be conscious of Allah outside the prayer through constant remembrance and worldly restraint (zuhd), because one's consciousness in the prayer will reflect one's consciousness outside it. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 178
April 20, 2020

178-The Rawha- Guidance for Seekers-Steadfastness & Contentment – The Treatise For Seekers Of Guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz continues looking at the advice of Sayyiduna Ali, "Child of Adam, don't rejoice in wealth, and don't despair in poverty. Don't be saddened by tribulations, and don't exult in ease. Just as the gold is tested with fire, the righteous servant is tested with tribulations." He warns that ease can be more dangerous than difficulty and that the response to both should be to turn to Allah and rejoice in Him. Shaykh Faraz then moves on to explain the second part of Sayyiduna Ali's counsel: "You will not attain what you seek except by leaving what you desire. And you will not reach what you hope for except with steadfastness upon what you may dislike. Exert your utmost in upholding all that has been made obligatory for you," and highlights the importance of guarding one's responsibilities toward Allah and His creation. Finally, Shaykh Faraz talks about contentment, not complaining to creation, reliance on Allah, true wealth, and true poverty. He explains comprehensive counsels from the companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 177
April 19, 2020

176-The Rawha: Guidance For Seekers-True Intelligence & Planning – The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance-Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz emphasizes that our concern in life should be Allah Most High, which is true intelligence. He advises that we should only notice others' faults to the extent necessary to (1) command good and forbid evil or (2) to give sincere counsel (nasiha). One should see one's own faults reflected in theirs. He explains what it means to "use one's intelligence for Allah" by seeking the outcomes and means pleasing to Him. He clarifies what it means to leave self-direction (tadbir), an important concept in Islamic spirituality. He also contrasts praiseworthy planning with blameworthy self-direction. Praiseworthy planning is seeking good outcomes with good intentions and good means. Blameworthy self-direction is when a person tries to control outcomes, worries about what might happen, relies on means, and fears others. Shaykh Faraz closes with the counsel of Sayyiduna Ali, "Child of Adam, don't rejoice in wealth, and don't despair in poverty. Don't be sad in tribulations, and don't be happy in ease. Just as the gold is tested with fire, the righteous servant is tested with tribulations." --- In this series, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers and explains this early text of Islamic spiritual guidance, Imam Muhasibi's "The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance" (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). This work contains precious gems of religious guidance on how to increase in faith, following of the Prophetic sunna, and how to turn to Allah with a pure heart and excellence of character. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 176
March 29, 2020

175-The Rawha: Guidance for Seekers-Awe,Hope, and Patience – The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this series, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers and explains this early text of Islamic spiritual guidance, Imam Muhasibi’s “The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). This work contains precious gems of religious guidance on how to increase in faith, following of the Prophetic sunna, and how to turn to Allah with a pure heart and excellence of character. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz explains three key qualities of having awe of Allah, being hopeful of Him and being steadfastly patient with that which befalls you. He looks at these qualities through the counsels of the Sayyiduna Ali (may Allah be pleased with him). The counsel is: "(1) hold yourself in awe of Allah with respect to your religion. (2) Hope in Him in all your affairs. (3) And be steadfast in all that befalls you." Shaykh Faraz explains what it means to have awe and fear of Allah. One fears the station and majesty of Allah, out of the intensity of love and inclination to Allah. He also explains that true hope in Allah is to seek righteous outcomes while taking the right meant to get there, outwardly and inwardly. Finally, Shaykh Faraz explains that true patience is to remain firm on all that is pleasing to Allah, with outward good response and inward contentment. Shaykh Faraz closes with two key counsels by Sayyiduna Ali and Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with them). Sayyiduna Ali said: "Fear only your sin. Hope only in your Lord. Don't be shy of [people]. And don't be shy of saying 'I don't know,' if you don't." Sayyiduna Umar said: "Whoever fears Allah doesn't express their rage, and whoever is mindful of Allah doesn't simply do whatever they wish."   For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 175
March 23, 2020

174-The Rawha: Guidance for Seekers-Changing Oneself to the Better – The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this series, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers and explains this early text of Islamic spiritual guidance, Imam Muhasibi’s “The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). This work contains precious gems of religious guidance on how to increase in faith, following of the Prophetic sunna, and how to turn to Allah with a pure heart and excellence of character. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz continues where he left off the last lesson by pointing out that change begins with (1) intention, (2) committing to mindfulness, and (3) watchfulness. He explains that reward is by intention, and therefore one should look carefully at their intentions. Shaykh Faraz gives some keys to how one can investigate their intentions. Then he explains that a key to navigating this life is to be mindful of God (taqwa). Shaykh Faraz then moves to explain how one can take themselves into account (muhasaba), by tracking their deeds and constantly repenting for wrongdoings. He highlights, in particular, the importance of beginning with speech, and the great impact it has oneself. Finally, Shaykh Faraz explains the importance of being constantly vigilant of God (muraqaba). He narrates the story of Imam Sahl ibn Abd Allah al-Tustari as an example of how that vigilance can be acquired. For more SeekersGuidance podcast shows, visit seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts. Help SeekersGuidance reach millions around the world through reliable knowledge and guidance from qualified scholars, completely free: become a monthly supporter – www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate  

Episode 174
March 15, 2020

173-The Rawha: Guidance for Seekers-Holding Fast to the Qur’an – The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this series, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers and explains this early text of Islamic spiritual guidance, Imam Muhasibi’s “The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance” (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). This work contains precious gems of religious guidance on how to increase in faith, following of the Prophetic sunna, and how to turn to Allah with a pure heart and excellence of character. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.   In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz continues looking at the opening section of the text by Imam Muhasibi. The previous lesson had closed off by looking at the people of insight and open hearts, and their quality of upholding the limits of the Book of Allah and the Sunna. Shaykh Faraz continues to explain what it means to hold fast to the Qur'an and how that could be done. He highlights, that this requires intelligence. Finally, he concludes by pointing out that change begins with (1) intention, (2) committing to mindfulness, and (3) watchfulness.

Episode 173
March 8, 2020

172-The Rawha: Guidance for Seekers-The Meaning of Praise – The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this series, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers and explains this early text of Islamic spiritual guidance, Imam Muhasibi's "The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance" (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). This work contains precious gems of religious guidance on how to increase in faith, following of the Prophetic sunna, and how to turn to Allah with a pure heart and excellence of character. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. In this lesson, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers Imam Muhasibi's opening lines of the text. He explains the meanings of praising Allah (hamd), and the opening supplications in the author's introduction. He then highlights four of the qualities of the people of insight, which the author mentions: (1) loyalty, (2) praiseworthy character, (3) awe, and (4) reverence. Shaykh Faraz also highlights some of the qualities and merits of the people of opened hearts. He explains that they are the people who uphold the limits of the Book of Allah and the Sunna, and the way of the guided of the Umma.

Episode 172
March 1, 2020

171-The Rawha: Guidance for Seekers- Introducing the Author and Text – The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this series, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers and explains this early text of Islamic spiritual guidance, Imam Muhasibi's "The Treatise for Seekers of Guidance" (Risalat al-Mustarshidin). This work contains precious gems of religious guidance on how to increase in faith, following of the Prophetic sunna, and how to turn to Allah with a pure heart and excellence of character. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 171
April 29, 2019

170- The Blameworthy Trait Of Wasting One’s Time and Its Cure- Shaykh Muhammad Badhib

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad Badhib discusses the blameworthy trait of wasting one's time and being overly concerned with the world. Its cure is to know that one's time is of the most precious things one has.  In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 170
April 22, 2019

169- The Blameworthy Trait of Taking on the Outward Appearance of Being Righteous and Its Cure- Shaykh Muhammad Badhib

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad Badhib discusses the blameworthy trait of wearing the clothes of righteousness while one has the actions of the corrupt people. Its cure is leaving the clothing of righteousness until one rectifies ones inward.  In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 169
April 14, 2019

168-The Blameworthy Trait of Being Lazy and Its Cure- Shaykh Muhammad Badhib

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib discusses the blameworthy trait of being lazy and its cure. The cure is knowing the command is from Allah Most High. One should let the happiness that one is fulfilling the command of Allah to resonate in one's heart. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 168
April 7, 2019

167- Putting Others Down and Holding One’s Self in High Regard-Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib discusses the blameworthy trait of putting others down and holding one’s self in high regard. Its cure being having humility toward others. Not seeing oneself better than others. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 167
April 3, 2019

166-Not Wanting to Increase in One’s Deeds and It’s Cure- Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib discusses the blameworthy trait of leaving wanting to increase in one's deeds, and contentment with the state one is in. The treatment is being keen to increase in one’s actions by following the righteous predecessors. By never being satisfied with one’s current state. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 166
March 31, 2019

165-The Lowly Trait of Loving to Expose the Faults of ones Brothers and Friends- Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib

In this podcast Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib discusses the blameworthy trait of loving to expose the ailments of one's brothers and friends. Whose treatment is to love for others what one loves for one's self. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 165
March 24, 2019

164- Blameworthy Trait of Being Heedless When Allah Withholds Punishment From Immediate Sins and It’s Cure- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the blameworthy trait of having little consideration or reflection when one sees Allah has given time and doesn’t punish immediately from sin. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 164
March 20, 2019

163- The Blameworthy Trait of Appearing Righteous Without Sincerity- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the importance of having inward and outward sincerity, and the harms of taking on the appearance of outward religiosity without sincerity. The cure is to strive to make one's private action and appearance like one's public action and appearance. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 163
February 24, 2019

162-The Dangers of Falling for the Tricks of the Devil

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the wisdom and the significance of the creation of Iblis, and of his refusal to submit to our master Adam, peace be upon him. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 162
February 19, 2019

161-Listening to Inclinations to Desires, Whims, and It’s Treatment

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani discusses the need to work on ourselves and our blameworthy traits. He emphasizes the importance of inward purification – cultivating and refining the self, and becoming pleasing to our Lord, Exalted and Most High.  In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 161
January 28, 2019

160 – Finding Comfort in Ones Acts of Worship and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of loving ones acts of worship. Ones success and failure are contingent upon the health of ones heart. Looking at ones good deeds with the eye of approval. Happiness of worship, content in all ones states should be from submission to Allah. Act for Allah and Allah alone. The harm is in joy looking at worship with self-approval. Truly seeking all other motives except Allah goes against truthfulness. Striving to have sincerity in all one does. One will always have shortcomings. For it Allah alone is free from error. In ones shortcoming one will realize how much more Allah deserves. Motives, facilitations of actions are all from Allah. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 160
January 5, 2019

159 – The Inclination of Keeping Company Without Purpose

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of having the inclination of keeping company without any purpose or benefit. Keep company for the sake of Allah. Love for the sake of Allah. One should not keep company out of some merely worldly inclination. Whatever you do without purpose is not free from harm. The whims can take one over. The treatment of keeping purposeless company is to know that one will ultimately part with any companion one has in this world. The honor of the believer is their standing at night. Nobility is in being free of need of people. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 159
January 3, 2019

158 – Following One’s Whims

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of following one's whims. Do not follow your whim lest it misguide you. Many of the whims lead someone to act without any sense or justification, and merely "just because". One's actions should not be whimsical, rather one should act with purpose. Follow the path of principle, religion, and reason. The fool's actions do not go back to established principles. Fear the station of your Lord, consciously realize your slavehood to Allah Most High. One should also realize that paradise is one's resting place, and act accordingly. One should not follow one's lower self in whimsical inclinations. Oppose whims quickly. Walk with purpose following the prophetic walk. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 158
January 1, 2019

157 – Happiness and Rejoicing for the Merely Worldly

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of having mere happiness and rejoicing for that which is merely worldly. Intellectual happiness is being happy for that which benefits. Happiness of the heart is being happy about that which is pleasing to Allah Most High. The believer is happy regarding good deeds, yet not satisfied by them, and strives for more. The believer is also saddened by bad deeds. The cure for having happiness for merely what is fleeting, is for the self is to be wakeful by what is before it of the hereafter. Also, one should have knowledge of having shortcomings regareding the command of Allah Most High, and the creation of Allah. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 157
December 25, 2018

156 – The Love of Speaking in Front of People and its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of loving to speak before people, and delving into the subtlety of knowledge. It is blameworthy to want to speak in order just capture with that the hearts and attention of the inexperienced by using appealing words. In that, one is only trying to draw the attention of people towards one's self. The true person points toward to Allah. The claimant points towards the self. The treatment is to act on what one admonishes other with. One intends to advise oneself first. Intend to admonish people with actions not mere words. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 156
December 11, 2018

155 – Cure for Frequent Sin and Contravention

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz begins by reminding the believers that there is a wisdom in our struggle in this life. Allah teaches us to be broken. It is an obligation to avoid sin. There is a wisdom in committing sin as part from one’s journey to Allah. Never accept sin. We attach hope to Allah. A believer doesn’t lose hope after committing sin. One doesn’t hope in self rather one’s hope is in Allah. The cure for the hard heart is frequent seeking of forgiveness, and repentance with each breath. Seek forgiveness from sin and from shortcomings. Only accept what is acceptable with Allah. Be constant in fasting to soften the heart. Pray the night vigil, even if it's a little bit. Frequently sit with the righteous, and attend gathering of remembrance of Allah. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 155
December 5, 2018

154 – Excessive Concern for Provision and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of having excessive concern for one’s provision. What Allah has proportioned will come to you. The morally responsible person takes the means. Concern for taking the means is praiseworthy. Blameworthy worry about provision is when one becomes attached to it with one’s lower self. Concern or worrying about provision takes away from one’s heart attachment to Allah. It is from lack of sincere concern of the self to neglect what Allah has made obligatory for one. Provision is from Allah. Treatment of this excessive concern for provision is to know without doubt the One who created you has guaranteed you sufficiency in your provision. It is Allah who created you and Allah who provided for you. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/  

Episode 154
November 22, 2018

153 – Being Concern for One’s Outward Appearance and Leaving Concern for Inward Realities

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of having concern for one’s outward appearance and not being concerned with one’s inward. It is blameworthy to busy one’s self with the outward for people to see, while being heedless to rectify one’s inward which is the locus of Allah’s gaze. People can not benefit or harm, only Allah can. Allah is the giver and withholder. None but Him can give the ultimate reward. The heart is the vessel for sincerity. A true person is one whose outward correspondence to their inward and whose inward  correspondence to their outward. The treatment for having concern only with the outward is to be certain that creation will not honor one except to the extent Allah places in their heart. Alongside that, one should know that their inward is the focal point of Allah’s gaze upon them. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 153
November 20, 2018

152 – Having Self-Satisfaction and its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of self-satisfaction and its cure. Human beings are granted potential inclinations towards the good. The human being without directed reason is just an animal. The blameworthy trait of the self is for one to have care and pity for one's self, and direct it toward its whims and wants. One should not prioritize desires and whims over the presence with Allah. The cure for the trait of desiring self-satisfaction is turning away from it, and not busying oneself with it. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/    

Episode 152
November 8, 2018

151 – Avidness For This World and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of keeness for building up worldly gain and seeking ongoing increase in it. This is a type of delusion. The cure for this disease is to know this life is not an adobe that will remain. An intelligent person is the one who acts for the adobe that will remain. Next life is better than this life, and lasts for eternity. The next adobe is better for those who are mindful, or have taqwa. Taqwa is a quality that one should strive to nurture.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 151
October 25, 2018

150 – Acting for Other than Allah and Sincerity in One’s Works

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of seeking for people to know about one’s acts of worship. Showing off in acts of worship is sinful, and doing so in worldly matters is dangerous. It can lead to envy, greed, and thinking ill of others. The cure for one to act for other than Allah, is to know all benefit and harm is not found with people, rather is from Allah Most High. Showing off is to act for other than Allah. Sincerity is acting for the sake of Allah. The key is to be realized in La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah (there is no ability nor power except through Allah). In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 150
October 24, 2018

149 – Five Keys for the Treatment of Blameworthy Traits

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the general keys for the treatment of the blameworthy traits. Allah created human beings for the purpose of submitting to Allah. He placed in human beings the capacity to submit and the capacity to resist. Virtue is what the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to perfect. Shaykh Faraz goes on explain how our imperfection is a gift, and a means to attain human perfection. The five keys for the treatment of blameworthy traits are: (1) to recognize its harm, which requires knowledge, (2) to know its opposite, (3) to shield the self with good company, (4) the remembrance of Allah, and (5) to be careful of what one eats.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 149
October 2, 2018

148 – Loving to Delve into Worldly Matters and Delving into Talking About People

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of loving to delve into world matters and delving into talking about people. This world doesn’t last, and it is the hereafter that truly lasts. One should busy oneself with constant remembrance of Allah. There is a danger in looking good in front of others instead of doing good. Showing off is very dangerous. Its cure is to know that creation can not benefit or harm ultimately. Without sincerity actions are dead. The reality of religion is sincerity. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 148
September 28, 2018

147 – Not Being Content with the Decree of Allah and its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of  seeking Allah’s guidance and then being upset with His decree. Being content for whatever Allah has destined for one is obligatory. The cure for not objecting to Allah’s destiny is to know one is only seeing the outward of actions. Where as Allah Most High sees the inward and the reality of actions. Allah’s choosing is better than what one may choose for one's self. Whatever Allah chooses for one will have eternal consequences  through gratitude or patience, or through praising Allah or repenting to Allah.  In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/  

Episode 147
September 8, 2018

146-The Dangers of Excessive Speech and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode  Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of excessive speech. The sunnah in regards to speech is for speech to be purposeful, considered, and beneficial. Excessive speech is from wanting to stand out, or from lack of knowledge of the consequences. The cure is to be realized in the reality that one will be taken to account for what one says. Truly tribulation rests amongst speech. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 146
August 27, 2018

145 – Seeking Status Through Knowledge and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of  seeking status through one’s knowledge. This is connected to seeking knowledge for other than Allah. Sincerity is obligatory in acts of worship. The sin of showing off applies to seeking leadership. Envy turns into ill will and spite. Seeking worldly or material gains through something made to be done for the sake of Allah is destructive. Seeking leadership through knowledge, and being arrogant and boastful because of it, is seeking to impress others by it. There is a sacredness to knowledge. It will have a light if sought for Allah. Its reward is from Allah. This is the way of the prophets.The reality of knowledge is that it is a gift from Allah. Hold fast to humility and brokenness through knowledge and have a debt of gratitude. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 145
August 19, 2018

144 – Being Lazy and What it Causes

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of  being lazy and what it causes. Laziness is to not act upon what should be acted upon, when and how it should be acted upon. The foundation of the sunna is to approach action with resolve and determination. What causes laziness is eating one's fill. Food fills the animal self. Restrain the animal self and nurture the angelic self. Food will overcome the heart in what the heart wants. What one needs is Allah and the hereafter. Its cure is to make oneself hungry, and not eat to one's fill. In hunger their is a  restraining and disciplining of the self. Operationalize this hunger by following the sunna.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 144
July 30, 2018

143 – Seeking Recognition for One’s Actions and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of seeking recognition for one's actions. This is ascribing good to oneself which against reality, Qur’an, and the Sunna. It is Allah who is sustaining everyone and their actions at every moment. Seeking recognition for one's work is from forgetting who is sustaining one, and a lack of slavehood to Allah. Treatment from excepting recognition is beholding one's shortcomings outwardly and inwardly. The smart person turns away from seeking recognition out of proper manners with Allah.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 143
July 20, 2018

142 – The Blameworthy Trait of Beholding the Self and Then Feeling Self Pity and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy traits of beholding the self and having self pity. This refers to the blameworthy trait of beholding one’s ego, and then feeling sorry for one’s self. Its cure is to behold Allah’s bounty in all one’s moments. Life is not about inflating one’s self, rather it is about beholding Allah Most High. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 142
July 13, 2018

141 – The Harms of Heedlessness and Staying in the Remembrance of Allah

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of heedlessness which causes a number of other blameworthy traits, and some of the cures for this state.  Shaykh Faraz mentions the importance of striving to stay in a constant state of remembrance of Allah, and how repentance breaks the habit of sin. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 141
July 8, 2018

140 – Busying Oneself with the Faults of Others and It’s Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz covers the blameworthy trait of busying oneself with the faults of others. He explains that having bad thoughts of others is blameworthy. Busying oneself with the faults of others, while being blind to ones own faults  is dangerous. Of the cures of busying oneself with he faults of others is to recognize that one’s first responsibility is ones own actions not the actions of others. Concern for others is not out of contempt with one's own self. One has to always look at one’s own faults.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 140
June 26, 2018

139 – Bad Thoughts: Their Consequences and Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz begins by explaining that there are different types of thoughts. One is responsible for which thoughts one embraces and acts upon. He goes to explain that there are four types of inspirations. (1) Lordly inspirations, which are thoughts that inspire to meanings of faith and certitude. We are called to accept and embrace these inspirations, and nurtue them through reflection and remembrance. (2) Angelic inspirations, which are thoughts that incline towards good action or virtue. (3) Selfish snspirations, which inspire to desire or whim. These require opposing them. (4) Satanic inspirations, which gives doubts and misgivings in matters of faith or details of guidance. Its treatment is knowledge. One must gain knowledge and act upon it. The cure for bad thoughts is rejecting these inspirations right away, constant remembrance of Allah, holding fast to the awe of Allah, and knowledge.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 139
June 6, 2018

138 – The Cure for Wayward Thoughts

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz looks at the cure for wayward thoughts. Of the blameworthy traits of self is not being content with the truth. The nafs is never content with  the truth. Never content with obedience . Obedience is contrary to its nature. Shaykh Faraz  answers the question why does waywardness  happen? It comes about by following one’s caprice. Repent to your Lord  and slaughter your lower self in the way of spiritual struggle. Humans are created to toil and struggle. Seek you Lord. One has to know one's self. The treatment is to leave wayward inclination and turn to one’s lord completely. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/  

Episode 138
May 23, 2018

137 – Treating False Hopes

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz looks at the disease of having false hopes, which is wishing good for oneself without taking the means to change. One must realize one doesn’t base hope on one's self, rather one bases hope on Allah Most High. Self worth will delude oneself and ruin oneself. The early Muslims didn’t see themselves as anything of value or having or worth. Thus they were able to succeed. Shaykh Faraz goes on to explain how one is to deal with wishing good for oneself. To have sound hope, one has to have shyness before Allah. They have to strive for gratitude and not to be deluded with what people say. Shaykh Faraz ends by explaining the one can only attain true life when they cause themselves to die from worldliness.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 137
May 9, 2018

136 – Treating the Loss of Resolve

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. Shaykh Faraz beings by explaining how actions are driven by intention and intention is driven by purpose. Danger arises when actions are performed out of mere habit. Routines are easy to neglect. One can easily become unconcern about falling short. One must take one’s self to accountant to avoid falling short, and to watch both actions and character. Losing concern is worse than losing resolve. Even worse, is for one not to see their shortcomings and think they are doing well. Loss of purpose arises from lack of gratitude, when granted facilitation to fulfill rights. Ascribing good to one's self is of great spiritual harm. With lack of gratitude, the urge to do good diminishes. When one does good and ascribes it to Allah, one is safe from spiritual downfall. Safety comes by constantly turning to Allah, and express one’s neediness to Allah. Two keys to safety are 1) reciting the Qur’an, and 2) reflecting on it’s meanings.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 136
May 4, 2018

135 – Praiseworthy Crying and Changing to the Better

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz explains how to cry for the right reason. Crying only benefits when it brings about change to the better. Be wary of religious discourse that is emotional only, and doesn't incur any change. The cure for a self that feels good by only crying and not changing to the better, is to be committed to change rather than crying and relaxing. Crying in sadness shouldn’t be a fleeting feeling. Crying should increase determination to change and regret for one's shortcomings. Shaykh Faraz answers the question "why does one cry?" A good reason for crying is to realize how one must be, and how one actually is, and feel that they are at loss from their goal. Cry with determination to change. It is important to learn how to cry. Crying in the right way is a sunnah. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 135
April 24, 2018

134 – Self Satisfaction and Its Cure

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz explains how to identify and cure self satisfaction. Self satisfaction is one of the greatest forms of ignorance. Shaykh Faraz goes on to mention that the stations of good are three: (1) salvation, (2) righteousness, and (3) excellence. Shaykh Faraz asks the question about being self satisfied: what do you intrinsically have to be satisfied about? The key to good is avoiding harm. The basis of taqwa is leaving sin. The basis of harm is heedlessness. Disobedience is in following sinful desires and whims, which causes one to disobey Allah inwardly and outwardly. Shaykh Faraz closes by mentioning that the three cures for self satisfaction: (1) traveling the way of guidance, (2) wholesome eating, and (3) striving to perfect taqwa. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 134
April 15, 2018

133 – The Sinful Self and How it Incites Sin

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode Shaykh Faraz deals with the sinful self. The self that inclines to commanding to sin. The foundation in relation to the the self is that one is inclined potentially  towards good, and potentially to bad. The worse of enemies is one's own self. An influence of what one inclines to is one’s circle of association. The scholars mention there are four circle of association that influence one inclinations: (1) family, (2) friends, (3) community, and (4) society. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 133
April 9, 2018

132 – The Restful Self and the Reproachful Self

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu  Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This works deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. Shaykh Faraz starts by reminding us of the three types of self: (1) sinful self, (2) reproachful self, and (3) disciplined (restful) self. Imam Sulami starts with the restful self. One who has a restful self, is one who attained and retained certitude regarding their Lord, and are at rest regarding Allah’s promise. The restful self is certain of Allah's promise. One who has reached that type of self, Allah gives them their books of deeds in their right hand on the Day of Judgement. This self is content with Allah’s promise, destiny, benefit and harm. This restful self has four characteristics, it : 1) attains pleasure, 2) obtains Divine pleasure, 3) attains Divine Love, 4) is honoured by beholding Allah in the hereafter. Then Shaykh Faraz starts talking about the reproachful self. He discusses how it goes between the good and the bad, reproaching itself when it falls in the bad. It doesn’t have sufficient patient with ease and distress. Patience begins with acceptance, and is required in both the good and the bad.   In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 132
April 1, 2018

131 – Introduction to “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” by Imam Sulami

Shaykh Faraz begins the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” ('Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam  Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This works deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. Shaykh Faraz goes on to explain the great success of those who purify their hearts, and how they are pleasing to Allah. It is Allah who created the heart, so it is He who purifies it. This work deals with 69 blameworthy traits. The honored servant or Allah, a person of wakefulness and awareness of states, understands the things that effect the heart. Allah made it easy to change oneself to the better by Allah’s grace and facilitation. Shaykh Faraz ends by explains the three different types of the self: (1) sinful self, (2)reproachful self, and (3) disciplined self. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”('Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 131
March 25, 2018

130 – Closing Counsels to Imam Ghazali’s “Letter to a Disciple”

In this episode of Shaykh Faraz covers the closing counsels by Imam Ghazali in his “Letter to a Disciple”. He reminds believers that knowledge is a trust and one should act accordingly. He also reminds believers to not only make du’a, but to seek out du’a from the righteous as well. One should rely solely on Allah while being firm and upright. Shaykh Faraz ends this episode by reminding the believers of the importance on acting on one’s knowledge, not just acting outwardly but for knowledge to change one’s inward state. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali’s “Letter to a Disciple” on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 130
March 20, 2018

129 – Preparing for Death and Not Having False Hopes

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, “Letter to a Disciple” by Imam Ghazali. He explains that one should act in such a way that is accordance to one knowing that Allah is the real master. Shaykh Faraz goes on to explain what brings about the sweetness of faith. He highlights that fact that only hearts that have been healed can heal other sick hearts. Shaykh Faraz reminds us of being watchful over one’s heart, engaging in daily contemplation and busying oneself with that which really matters. One should busy themselves with Allah and His worship. One should seek to do engage in all actions with a sincere intention. Knowledge of the state of the heart is personally obligatory and should be given precedence. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali’s “Letter to a Disciple” on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 129
March 12, 2018

128 – Beneficial Reminder for the Caller to Allah

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, “Letter to a Disciple” by Imam Ghazali. He explains that the caller to Allah provides beneficial reminder by avoiding mere preaching. Rather, they have care and concern for the hereafter. They avoid inclining toward worldliness and showing off, which lead to heedlessness. He goes on to remind us to avoid the traps of mere preaching. This is done by having a clear purpose of who one is calling to, and why one is calling. Imam Ghazali reminds the preacher not to mix with the rulers unless there is a clear benefit or need. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali’s “Letter to a Disciple” on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 128
March 2, 2018

127 – Sincerity in the One Calling to Allah

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, “Letter to a Disciple” by Imam Ghazali, where he explains some key qualities of the sincere caller to Allah. The first quality is that they should avoid argumentation, for within argumentation lies much harm. When conveying religious knowledge their aim should be to call to Allah, rather than themselves or a group. Shaykh Faraz goes on to remind that calling to Allah (da'wa) is rooted in the Qur'an, hadith, and guidance of the scholars. This is the way of safety. He warns of the harm of putting on false airs. Rather, he mentions to seek Allah with sincerity and truthfulness. Then Imam Ghazali goes on to tell us what is a true reminder and admonition, and this requires attention. It is for the servant to remember the fire of the hereafter, and remember one's own shortcomings in serving the Creator. He goes on to define what true preaching is to remind others to reflect of their shortcoming and blameworthy traits of self. It is to be touched by the fire of concern. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali’s “Letter to a Disciple” on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 127
February 27, 2018

126 – Key Qualities of Islamic Spiriutality and the Path of Guidance

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, “Letter to a Disciple” by Imam Ghazali, where he explains some key qualities of Islamic Spirituality. He first explains what is the path of guidance, going on to explain that the path of guidance is clear. He then explains the importance of leaving worldliness and envy. Envy being the root cause of a great deal of harm. At the end Shaykh Faraz explains that Imam Ghazali explains what is the sickness of ignorance and its cure. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali’s “Letter to a Disciple” on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 126
January 31, 2018

Supporting Scholars and Students in Need – A Message from Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

  Through the SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Scholars Fund, SeekersGuidance Global has been able to help numerous scholars and students of knowledge in need to continue to study and serve their communities. Help is still urgently needed for a number of ongoing cases to help scholars and students of knowledge in need. Please donate today for this ongoing charity. Donate now at seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate. All donations are zakat-eligible and are tax-deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 125
November 12, 2017

125 – Uprightness | Servanthood to Allah | Reliance Upon Allah | Sincerity & Hypocrisy | Attaining Knowledge by Acting on Knowledge

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he explains some key qualities of Islamic spirituality. He first explains uprightness, which Imam Ghazali deemed as one of two qualities foundational to spirituality. In summary, Imam Ghazali says that uprightness is having good character. He then explains servanthood and what it means to be a servant of Allah through seeking His pleasure. Then Imam Ghazali explains the virtue of having reliance upon Allah, which stems from having certainty in His decree. Imam Ghazali then explains sincerity, which is to act only for the sake of Allah and not for anyone else. In contrast, he explains that hypocrisy and showing off to others stems from exalting creation over Allah. Finally, Imam Ghazali advises to act on what one knows, so that they may be granted knowledge of that which they don't know. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 124
November 1, 2017

124 – Outward and Inward Respect and Etiquette with True Spiritual Guides | Traits of True Spirituality in Islam

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he explains some of the outward and inward etiquettes of respect that one should have for true spiritual guides. He then talks about the meaning of true spirituality in Islam and the traits that confirm its authenticity. Imam Ghazali says that true spirituality has two qualities: uprightness and being at rest from people. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 123
October 25, 2017

123 – The Importance of Spiritual Teachers and Guides | Qualities of a True Spiritual Guide

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he highlights the importance for the seekers to find and take on a spiritual teacher and guide. Spiritual guides assist and facilitate for the seeker of Allah to purify themselves of blameworthy traits and adorn themselves with praiseworthy traits. Imam Ghazali then describes some of the qualities of true spiritual guides, for the seeker to look for. In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 122
October 5, 2017

122 – Contentment With What Allah Has Apportioned | The Real Enemy | Seeking and Relying Only on Allah

Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he relates the story of Imam Hatem al-Asam with his teacher Shaqiq al-Balkhi. Imam Hatem shares the remaining four of the eight life lessons he learned from his teacher. The fifth lesson was to be content with what Allah has apportioned, and not to envy other for what Allah has granted them. The sixth lesson was to take Satan as one's enemy and not people. Animosity in relation to other people should be directed towards actions and not persons. The seventh lesson was to realize that Allah has guaranteed one's provision, so one should focus their concern on drawing close to Allah. The eighth and final lesson was to rely completely on Allah. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 121
September 28, 2017

121 – What Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Was Granted in the Hereafter of Virtue: The Great Intercession, al-Kawthar River and More

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths thirty four to forty, concluding the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the thirty fourth hadith we learn about al-Kawthar, the river Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is granted in paradise. The thirty fifth informs us about the virtue of the followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) on the Day of Judgement and how they will be illuminated due to their performance of ablution in this world. In the thirty sixth hadith we are told about how Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) will be the first to traverse the bridge over the Hellfire. The thirty seventh hadith tells us about the intercession of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Hadith thirty eight informs us about how Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) will be the first to open the doors of heaven. The thirty ninth hadith tells us about the events of Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) night journey. Finally, Shaykh Faraz reads and explains the fortieth hadith, which is a lengthy hadith on Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) great intercession in the hereafter. The hadith highlights the great rank of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the events of the hereafter of people seeking the different prophets' intercessions, and the care and concern of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) for his people. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 120
September 18, 2017

120 – Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Station and Special Virtues in This Life and the Next | The Most Noble People With Allah

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths twenty eight to thirty three of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In these hadiths Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) tells us about his special rank and virtues in this life and the next. He tells us that he is the first to be resurrected, and he is the intercessor, and giver of glad tiding, that the honour and keys in the hereafter are with him and he will have the banner of gratitude. He is the master of all humans, the leader of all messengers and the seal of all prophets, Prophet Adam and everyone else are under his banner in the hereafter. He is given a pool which when believers drink from, they will never be thirsty again. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) teaches us about his special rank not out of boasting, far be it from him, but to benefit us. Shaykh Faraz also continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he relates the story of Imam Hatem al-Asam with his teacher Shaqiq al-Balkhi. Imam Hatem shares the fourth life lessons he learnt from his teacher: honour lies in attaining the quality of taqwa. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 119
September 11, 2017

119 – The Beloved of Allah ﷺ | Encompassing Life Lessons

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths twenty six and twenty seven of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In these two hadiths we learn about Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) being the beloved of Allah, which is a special station that distinguishes him from the other prophets and the rest of creation. Shaykh Faraz also continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he narrates a story of Imam Hatem al-Asam with his teacher Shaqiq al-Balkhi. Imam Hatem shares eight life lessons he learnt from his teacher after keeping his company for thirty years. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 118
September 6, 2017

118 – Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Concern for His Ummah | The Greatness of Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ | The Rank the Prophet ﷺ and Those Connected to Him | Comprehensive Hadith to Act On

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths twenty one to twenty five of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him). In the twenty first hadith we learn about Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) deep and sincere concern for his people (ummah) and how he wept in seeking forgiveness for them. The twentieth hadith highlights the great merit and reward in sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the twenty third hadith, we learn something of the great rank and majesty of Prophet Muhmmad (peace ad blessings be upon him), through his story with the buraq on the event of the night journey. The twenty fourth and twenty fifth hadith showcase the high rank in the hereafter of those who are connected to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he narrates a story of Imam Shibly, one of the great spiritual masters of the Muslim predecessors. He highlights a comprehensive hadith, which gathers the knowledge of how one should act in this life. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 117
August 29, 2017

117 – The Excellent Character of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ | Prophet Muhammad ﷺ a Mercy Gifted | Duties of the Spiritual Aspirant

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths eighteen to twenty of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the eighteenth and nineteenth hadith we learn that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) excellent of chareacter and was sent to perfect virtuous character. In the twentieth hadith we learn that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) mercy gifted by God. Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he gives four duties incumbent on the spiritual aspirant in order to draw close to Allah. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 116
August 24, 2017

116 – Loving Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Faith | What Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was Granted | Experiential Spirituality

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths fourteen to seventeen of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the fourteenth hadith we learn that a person's qualities are not truly complete without loving Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) more than anyone else. In the fifteenth to the seventeenth hadiths, we learn about the special qualities and grants that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was given that no other prophet and no one else was given, highlighting his distinct rank and unique nature. Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he tells us about the guidelines and appropriate ways to approach experiential spirituality. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 115
August 13, 2017

115 – Virtues of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Ummah | Sufficiency in Islamic Guidance | Action and Spiritual Striving

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths twelve and thirteen of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the twelfth hadith we learn about the virtues of Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) ummah (followers). The virtues of this ummah described are so tremendous so much so that Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) asked to be the prophet of this ummah. The thirteenth hadith narrates to us  the story of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) and how he was found looking into the scriptures of the Jews. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) then remarked about the finality, primacy and sufficiency of the guidance he has come with. Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he tells us about the importance of acting on knowledge and spiritual striving (mujahada) in order to be granted the illuminations of gnosis. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 114
August 5, 2017

114 – Prophet Muhammad’s Names | Believing in Prophet Muhammad | The Essence of Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths seven to eleven of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the seventh hadith we learn about Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) various names and what they mean. The eighth hadith narrates to us  that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has been raised through his mention whenever Allah is mentioned. The ninth hadith tells us about some meanings regarding the spiritual weight of Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him). The tenth hadith highlights the gravity of believing in Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and its consequences. Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he tells us that the essence of knowledge is to know what is the obedience and worship of Allah and what they entail. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 113
July 31, 2017

113 – The Final Prophet | Prophet Adam’s Seeking Forgiveness | The Prophet’s Noble Lineage | The Beloved of Allah ﷺ

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the hadiths three to six of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). In the third hadith we learn how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the final prophet and messenger. The fourth hadith narrates to us the story of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) seeking forgiveness from Allah through the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) after seeing his name written on the pillars of the Divine throne. In the fifth hadith tells us about nobility of Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) lineage. The sixth hadith highlights that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the beloved of Allah Most High. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 112
July 26, 2017

112 – Learning About the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ | The Blessed Lineage of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the first two hadith of the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He begins by highlighting the importance of learning about the virtues of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him). Through learning about the virtues of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and believing in them, one would increase in loving him, exalting him, appreciating him, and following him. In the first hadith we learn about the blessed lineage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and how it was the best of lineages. The second hadith talks about the prophetic light. Shaykh Faraz explains that many scholars deemed the hadith to not be established, however the meanings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) being the pinnacle of fulfilling the purpose of creation are sound. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 111
May 23, 2017

111 – The Virtues of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ | Reflecting on the Signs of Allah and Night Worship

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins covering the ninth set of hadiths of Imam Nabahani on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He begins with an introduction to the set where we learn about the importance of knowing the virtues of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him). We also learn that the Prophet's mention of his own virtues was not out of arrogance as he is far removed from that, rather he was commanded to inform us of his virtues. Shaykh Faraz shares some benefits from Imam Zaruq on three internal qualities that one must have to follow the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): (1) belief in him, (2) exalting him, and (3) loving him. He also shares other points of benefit from Imam al-Sha'rany and others. Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he tells us about the advice of Luqman (may Allah be pleased with him) to reflect on the crying of the dove in the night, so one is moved to night worship. Shaykh Faraz also highlights the aspect of reflecting on God's signs in the universe to draw near to Him. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 110
May 22, 2017

110 – Secure Faith | Love Unites from East and West | Loving the Close Servants of Allah

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith thirty-six to fourty from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh hadith, we learn that the most secure knot of faith is loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. The thirty-eighth hadith informs us that if two people were to love each other, one in the east and the other in the west, then Allah would unite them on the day of judgement. Hadith thirty-nine and forty tell us about the weight of loving the close servants of Allah, and that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us to supplicate for that. Thus, Shaykh Faraz concludes the eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. The next set, the ninth set of hadiths, is on the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 109
May 17, 2017

109 – Love Unites | Consequence of Love in the Hereafter | Night Worship

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith twenty-nine to thirty-five from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the twenty-ninth and thirtieth hadith, we learn that one who loves another for the sake of Allah will be resurrected with them and will be united with them in paradise. The thirty-first hadith informs us that between two people who love each other for the sake of Allah, the one most beloved to Allah is the one who loves the other more. Hadith thirty-two to thirty-five tell us about the different rewards and virtues of those who love each other for the sake of Allah, in the hereafter. Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he emphasizes the importance of night worship, and encourages engaging in it. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 108
May 8, 2017

108 – Mutual Care and Love Between Believers | Balancing Knowledge and Worship

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith twenty-six to twenty-eight from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the twenty-sixth hadith, we learn that believers are of deep concern and love for one another even if they are distant, and that corrupt people are treacherous towards one another even if they are close. The twenty-seventh hadith informs us that whoever visits a sick person or another for the sake of Allah, a caller in the heaven prays and supplicates for them. In the twenty-eighth hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) tells us that whoever would be happy to find the sweetness of faith, then let them love another only for the sake of Allah. Finally, Shaykh Faraz continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he highlights balanicing knowledge and worship. He counsels that knowledge alone is not enough, and that the seeker should have routines of worship. (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 107
May 4, 2017

107 – Expressing Love | Special Ranks for Gathering Upon Remembrance | Religion and Love | Perfecting Faith

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith twenty-two to twenty-five from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the twenty-second hadith, we learn that it is praiseworthy to express love and tell those whom one loves that they love them. The twenty-third hadith informs us about people who will be resurrected in the hereafter with luminous faces, on podiums of pearls, they used to be from different nations and tribes, but gathered upon the remembrance of Allah. In the twenty-fourth hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) tells us about the hidden nature of implicit and lesser form of associating partners with God (shirk), and that the least of that is for one to have love for something unjust and have hate for something just. The Prophet (peace be upon him) then asks: "is religion anything but loving for Allah and hating for Allah?". The twenty-fifth hadith tells us that whoever loves for Allah’s sake, hates for Allah’s sake, give for Allah’s sake and holds back for Allah’s sake, has indeed perfected their qualities of faith. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 106
May 2, 2017

106 – The Most Beloved of Actions to Allah | The Company You Keep | High Aspirations for the Afterlife

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith nineteen to twenty-one from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the nineteenth hadith, we learn that most beloved of actions to Allah Most High is to love for Allah’s sake, to hate for Allah’s sake. The twentieth hadith informs us that a person follow's the same way as their close companions, so one should pay close attention to who they choose as close companions.  In the twenty-first hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) advises believers to no keep close companionship  except with a believers and those who are God conscious. Finally, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he highlights having high aspirations for the afterlife, and preparing for it. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 105
April 27, 2017

105 – The Best of Faith and Its Realities | Being Among Loved Ones | Honouring Allah

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith fifteen and eighteen from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the fifteenth hadith, we learn that best of faith is to love for Allah’s sake, to hate for Allah’s sake, remaining in a state of remembrance, and to love for others what you love for yourself. The sixteenth hadith teaches us that the reality of faith is attained only after loving and hating for Allah’s sake.  In the seventeenth hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) swears by three matters, one of which is that no one loves a group of people, except that Allah will make him among them. The eighteenth hadith informs us that no servant of Allah loves another for the sake of Allah, except that he has honoured Allah Most High. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 104
April 25, 2017

104 – The People Whom Allah’s Love is Incumbent For | Avidness for Benefit | The Best of Actions

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith thirteen and fourteen from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the thirteenth hadith, we learn that Allah’s love is incumbent for those who love one another, sit with one another, visit one another and spend on one another for Allah’s sake. The hadith is a narration of story between one of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and one of the predecessors, and through it are multiple lessons of seeking benefit as well.  In the fourteenth hadith, we learn that the best of actions is loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 103
April 24, 2017

103 – A Key to Loving One Another | Granted Shade By Allah | Preparing for the Afterlife

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith eleven and twelve from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the eleventh hadith, we learn that people's qualities of faith are not complete until they love one another, and that spreading salams (greetings of peace) is a key to that. In the twelfth hadith, we learn that those who love one another for Allah's sake are granted shade by Allah on the day of judgement. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani also continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where he advises to prepare for the afterlife by directing one's resolve in one's soul, defeating their lowly selves, and being ready to die with the body. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, through the two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 102
April 23, 2017

102 – Loving Purely for Allah | People Are Like Mines of Minerals | Knowledge and Action

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith nine and ten from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the ninth hadith, we learn about how Allah’s love is attained through loving others purely for His sake. In the tenth hadith, we learn about how people are like mines of different minerals and how the souls are in groups fond of one another. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani also continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn that knowledge without action is madness, and action without knowledge cannot be. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 101
April 17, 2017

101 – Loving The Prophet ﷺ and Loving Good for Others from the Qualities of Faith | Worship by Acting on Knowledge

å In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith seven and eight from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the seventh hadith, we learn about how loving for others what one loves for themselves is from the qualities of faith. In the eighth hadith, we learn about how loving the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) more than ourselves is also from the qualities of faith. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani also continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn about having sincere intentions in seeking Allah’s pleasure through seeking knowledge. Acting on knowledge is worship and an indicator of not seeking worldly gains through knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 100
April 16, 2017

100 – Love from Faith | Loving Allah Through the Qur’an | You Are with Whom You Love | Choosing Allah

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith three to six from Imam Nabahani's eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah. In the third hadith, we learn that its is from faith to love someone solely for the sake of Allah. In the fourth hadith, we learn about loving Allah through loving and connecting with the Qur’an. In the fifth hadith, we learn about how one will be with those whom he loves in this life and the next. In the sixth hadith, we learn about how the intensity of love unites people with those that he loves. We also learn about how the companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) loved the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Shaykh Faraz Rabbani also continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn about preferring and choosing Allah in one’s life, love and action. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 99
April 13, 2017

099 – Love and Hate for the Sake of Allah | Shaded by Allah in the Hereafter | Sincerity in Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins the eighth set of hadiths on the virtues of loving for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah from Imam Nabahani's forty sets of forty hadiths, covering the first two hadiths. In the introduction to this set, we learn how love and hate for the sake of Allah are from the qualities of faith. We also learn what love means and some of its definitions. In the first hadith, we learn about three qualities through which the sweetness of faith is experienced. In the second hadith, we learn about the seven types of people whom Allah will grant shade for in the hereafter. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani also continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn about sincerity in seeking knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 98
March 30, 2017

098 – Seeking Reward Through Acting on Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn about the relationship between acting on one's knowledge and eternal reward. We learn that it is from delusion to seek reward without any action, and that praiseworthy action is rooted in knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 97
March 28, 2017

097 – The Weightiness of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” | Entering God’s Fortress

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty-five to forty from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith thirty-five, we learn how one may earn each day the like of Mount Uhud in gold by doing dhikr of "subhanAllah", "la ilaha illah", and "Allahu akbar", each of which is greater than Uhud. In hadith thirty-six, we learn about the protection of "la ilaha illallah" in the grave. In hadith thirty-seven, we learn about the salvific potential of "la ilaha illallah" for a sinner. In hadith thirty-eight, we learn about the words given by the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) to a companion, containing the statement "la ilaha illallah", that would be easier on him and weightier on the scales than what he was already doing of dhikr. In hadith thirty-nine, we learn that Allah Most High says "la ilaha illallah" is His fortress, and whoever enters His fortress is safe from His punishment. In hadith forty, we learn that whoever's last words are "la ilaha illallah" will not enter the hellfire. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 96
March 27, 2017

096 – The Protection of La Ilaha Illa Allah | Faith Entails Action

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty to thirty-four from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith thirty, we learn about constant recitation of "la ilaha illallah" granting one well-being from every worry and sorrow. On hadith thirty-one, we learn about the protection of "la ilaha illallah" in this life. In hadith thirty-two, we learn about the effect of "la ilaha illallah" on sins. In hadith thirty-three, we learn about the error in judgement of a companion who stabbed a man while he was saying "la ilaha illallah". In hadith thirty-four, we learn about how "la ilaha illallah" destroys sins for the healthy person even more than the sick person. Shaykh Faraz then continues the text, “Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn about the relationship between faith and actions. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 95
March 27, 2017

095 – Forgiveness Through the Testimony of Faith | Benefitting from Knowledge Through Action

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-six to twenty-nine from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith twenty-six, we learn about "la ilaha illallah" as a statement of taqwa. In hadith twenty-seven, we learn about the covenant one has by "la ilaha illallah". In hadith twenty-eight about oppression as a barrier between one and the light of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith twenty-nine, we learn about the effect of "la ilaha illallah" on small slips and mistakes. Shaykh Faraz then continues the text, Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn about that even if one studied for a hundred years and collected a thousand books, they would not benefit one except through action. Likewise, one will not be healed by medicine without taking it. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 94
March 26, 2017

094 – La Ilaha Illa Allah is the Key to Paradise | The Dangers of Knowledge Without Action

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-one to twenty-five from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith twenty-one, we learn about what "dilutes" "la ilaha illallah". In hadith twenty-two, we learn about Allah's forgiveness of the one who says "la ilaha illallah". In hadith twenty-three, we learn that the one who says "la ilaha illallah", their tongue confirming what is in their heart, will enter into Paradise from whichever of it's eight doors he chooses. In hadith twenty-four, we learn about the price of Paradise being "la ilaha illallah" and the price of blessings being "alhamdulillah". In hadith twenty-five, we learn about the consequence of elongating one's saying of "la ilaha illallah". Shaykh Faraz then continues the text, Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn that knowledge without action is akin to a man in the desert with several weapons being attacked by a lion - without wielding them, he will not be able to repel this danger. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 93
March 24, 2017

093 – The Best of Remembrance | Acting on One’s Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths fifteen to twenty from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith fifteen, we learn about that one who says "la ilaha illallah" with sincerity will enter Paradise, and what it means to be sincere. In hadith sixteen, we learn about the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to call out to people that whoever says "la illaha illallah", Paradise becomes incumbent upon them. In hadith seventeen, we learn that "la illaha illallah" is the best of dhikr. In hadith eighteen, we learn about a man who is saved from the edge of the fire by the merit of "la ilaha illalllah". In hadith nineteen, we learn of a discussion amongst the companions the statement of "la ilaha illallah" making Paradise imcumbent upon one. In hadith twenty, we learn of a story of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) and the companions saying "la ilaha illallah" together. Shaykh Faraz then continues the text, Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, in which we learn about the importance of acting on one's knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 92
March 23, 2017

092 – The Rights and Weightiness of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” | Provision is Through Glorifying Allah | Striving for Virtue

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths eleven to fourteen from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith eleven, we learn about the reward of different types of dhikr, and how Paradise is incumbent on the one who says "la ilaha illallah". In hadith twelve, we learn about the importance of fulfilling the personal and social rights of "la ilaha illallah". In hadiths thirteen and fourteen, we learn about "la ilaha illallah" outweighing the seven heavens and the seven earths on a scale. Shaykh Faraz then continues the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, in which we learn about the importance of leaving what does not concern one, and striving to have one's virtue overpower one's vice. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 91
March 22, 2017

091 – Means of Renewing Faith | Expansiveness and Light for the Soul | The Goldmine of Messengerhood

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths six to nine from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah". In hadith six, we learn about different forms of dhikr as a form of sadaqa, and that the duha prayer has the reward of all of these acts. In hadith seven, we learn about the command of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) to instruct the dying to say "la ilaha illallah". In hadith eight, we learn about "la ilaha illallah" as a means of renewing one's faith. In hadith nine, we learn about "la ilaha illallah" as a statement for which the soul will find expansiveness when it leaves the body, and which will be a light for it until the Day of Judgement. Shaykh Faraz then begins the text, "Letter to a Disciple" by Imam Ghazali, where we learn that public advice should be quoted from the goldmine of messengerhood (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 90
March 20, 2017

090 – The Great Weight of Affirming Divine Oneness | Introducing Imam Ghazali’s “Letter to a Disciple”

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins the fifth set of hadiths on the virtues of "la ilaha illallah" (affirming Divine oneness) from Imam Nabahani's forty sets of forty hadiths, covering hadiths one to five. In hadiths one to three, we learn about the virtue of "la ilaha illallah" in protecting one from the fire. In the fourth hadith, we learn about the salvific consequence of dying upon "la ilaha illallah". In hadith five, we learn that the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was commanded to struggle against the people until they say "la ilaha illallah" . Here, Shaykh Faraz explains and contextualizes this commonly misunderstood hadith. Shaykh Faraz finally introduces the new text he will be covering: Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple". Book Resource: "The Testimony of Faith" by Shaykh Abdullah Sirajuddin (http://www.firdousbooks.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=714) In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1)Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); and (2) Imam Ghazali's "Letter to a Disciple" on his comprehensive advice to the seeker of knowledge. The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts/

Episode 89
March 13, 2017

089 – Special Episode: Ibn Ata’illah on Beneficial Knowledge

In this special episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers a brief extract on beneficial knowledge from Ibn Ata'illah al-Iskandari's work "Taj al-Urus". We learn what is meant by beneficial knowledge when it is mentioned in the Qur'an and sunna. Ibn Ata'illah says that beneficial knowledge is that which comes with awe of Allah and is encompassed by reverent fear of Him. Finally, we learn that beneficial knowledge is that which leads to love of Allah, His messenger and the companions of the prophet (peace be upon him and God be pleased with them). 

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Episode 88
March 10, 2017

088 – Supplications of the Seeker of Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani completes the section on Things the Facilitate Provision, Give One a Longer Life, and What Diminishes Them, thus concluding Imam Zarnuji’s work, “Instruction of the Student”. Here, we learn about the means of increasing provision. Finally Shaykh Faraz concludes the book by explaining Imam Zarniji’s closing, encompassing supplications that the seeker of knowledge is advised to say. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 87
March 8, 2017

087 – What Facilitates Provision and What Diminishes It

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins the section on Things the Facilitate Provision, Give One a Longer Life, and What Diminishes Them from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. We learn practical advice on actions that bring about provision in one’s life. Conversely, we learn about the actions that are of detriment and bring about poverty. Shaykh Faraz gives some key tips on how the seeker of knowledge as well as the concerned Muslim approaches the seeking of provision. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 86
March 6, 2017

086 – Practical Advice to Facilitate Retention and Memory

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani completes the section on The Things that Facilitate Memory from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. We learn about practical means of improving memory and retention. Contrasty, we learn about things to avoid which bring about forgetfulness. Overall, we learn that upholding adab is grants blessing in one's memory an in attaining knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 85
March 5, 2017

085 – Upholding the Limits of Allah | Keeping a Notebook | Means for Good Memory

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the section on the Importance of Scrupulousness When Seeking Knowledge from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. We learn about the importance of upholding etiquette and Prophetic practice and being observant of commands and prohibitions. We also learn about the importance of always keeping a notebook on hand. Shaykh Faraz then begins the section on The Things that Facilitate Memory. In this section we learn about the striving, consistency, prayer at night, and recitation of Qur’an as means of improving one’s memory. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 84
March 4, 2017

084 – Good Company in Seeking Knowledge | Seeking Supplications

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the section on the Importance of Scrupulousness When Seeking Knowledge from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. We learn about how the student should upholds good company and avoids bad company. We also  learn about the praiseworthiness of facing the qibla when seeking knowledge. Finally we see how students learn through the blessings of Muslims making supplication them. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 83
March 3, 2017

083 – Qualities of the Scrupulous Student | Cautions of Eating in the Marketplace

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the section on the Importance of Scrupulousness When Seeking Knowledge.We learn about the importance of guarding against satiety, excessive sleep, and and abundant speech about useless matters. We also learn about the dangers of eating food from the marketplace. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 82
March 3, 2017

082 – Sacrifice in Seeking Knowledge | Scrupulousness of the Student

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani completes the section on Seeking Benefit from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. In closing the section we learn that attaining knowledge requires sacrifice and burden. He then begins the section on the Importance of Scrupulousness When Seeking Knowledge, where we learn about three things that may befall an unscrupulous student, as well as the relationship between scrupulousness and benefit in knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 81
March 3, 2017

081 – Useful Means for the Attainment of Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani completes the section on Helpfulness and Good Advice from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student”. He then begins the section on Seeking Benefit. In this section we learn about the importance of taking notes, building routines, benefitting from the learned, and concentrating on knowledge wholeheartedly. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 80
March 2, 2017

080 – Busying Oneself With Benefit | Having Good Opinion of Others

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the section on Helpfulness and Good Advice from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student”, where we learn about busying oneself with that which benefits them. This entails leaving that which does not concern oneself. We also learn about bearing with fools, and being wary of thinking ill of other believers. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 79
March 1, 2017

079 – Choosing the Best of Speech to Remember Allah | Gatherings Void of Remembrance | Let’s Renew Our Faith

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty-eight to forty from from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadith thirty-eight, we learn about the people whom are granted close proximity to Allah through choosing the best of speech to remember Him. In hadith thirty-nine, we learn the great detriment of having gathering void of the remembrance of Allah. In hadith forty, we see how the companions used to renew their faith through periodically remembring Allah most high together.With that, Shaykh Faraz concludes this set of forty hadiths on  the remembrance to Allah Most High. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 78
February 19, 2017

078 – Gardens of Paradise on Earth | Avoiding Argumentation

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty-two to thirty-seven from from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadith thirty-two and thirty-three, we learn about the description of gatherings of remembrance as “gardens of paradise”. In hadith thirty-four, we learn that the benefit of the gatherings of remembrance is Paradise. In hadith thirty-five, we learn about the honour of people of gatherings of remembrance on the day of resurrection. In hadith thirty-six, we learn about the salvific consequence of remembrance. In hadith thirty-seven, we learn about the belovedness of remembrance to Allah Most High. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Helpfulness and Good Advice from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student”, where we learn about the necessity of not entering into arguments with others. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 77
February 18, 2017

077 – Podiums of Pearl | The Power of Sincere Remembrance | Sincere Concern for Others in Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-seven to thirty-one from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadith twenty-seven, we learn about the rank of one who remembers Allah Most High from the comfort of their beds. In hadith twenty-eight, we learn that one who is incapable of struggling with worship at night, is stingy in spending their wealth, or too cowardly for jihad should make much remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadith twenty-nine, we learn about the effect of remembrance of Allah Most High on Shaytan. In hadith thirty, we learn about the rank of the people of remembrance on the Day of Resurrection. In hadith thirty-one, we learn about the power of sincere remembrance to transform bad deeds into good deeds. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Caring and Sincere Concern from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 76
February 17, 2017

076 – A Tongue Constant in Remembrance | What it Means to Make Remembrance Until People Say, “He’s Crazy”

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-three to twenty-six from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadiths twenty-three and twenty-four, we learn about the virtue of a tongue that is constantly in remembrance. In hadith twenty-five, we learn about the teaching of the Prophet (SAW) to make remembrance until people called the person crazy, and in hadith twenty-six, we learn about the command of the Prophet (SAW) to make remembrance until accused by the hypocrites of showing off. Shaykh Faraz then covers the section on The Time for the Acquisition of Knowledge and begins the section on Helpfulness and Good Advice from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 75
January 25, 2017

075 – The Polishing of Hearts | Occupying One’s Time With Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-one and twenty-two from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadith twenty-one, we learn about remembrance of Allah Most High as the polishing of the hearts. In hadith twenty-two, we learn about the superiority of remembrance of Allah Most High over other acts of worship. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Reliance on Allah Most High from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we learn about the importance of not busying oneself with something other than knowledge, and not turning away from the study of fiqh. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 74
January 24, 2017

074 – The Best of Allah’s Bounty | The Best of Actions | Overcoming Hardships in Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths eighteen to twenty from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadith eighteen, we learn about the praiseworthiness of dying with one's tongue moist in remembrance. In hadith nineteen, we learn that best bounty that Allah Most High bestows upon His servants is inspiring them to remember Him. In hadith twenty we learn that the best of actions is the remebrance of Allah Most High. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Reliance on Allah Most High from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we learn about the necessity of bearing hardships and difficulties in the journey of learning. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 73
January 19, 2017

073 – The Pre-Eminance of Those Who Remember | “Doing Good” Vs. “Being Good” | Being in the Light of the Throne | Keep Your Tongue Moist with Remembrance

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirteen to seventeen from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In hadiths thirteen and fourteen, we learn about the pre-eminence of those who remember Allah Most High. In hadith fifteen, we learn about the clear distinction between doing good and being good - wherein the key to the latter is being in a state of remembrance of Allah Most High. Hadith sixteen describes a man whom the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) passed by on the right of the Isra'a, whose closeness to the Divine Throne was by merit of his remembrance of Allah Most High, attachment to the mosques, and good treatment of his parents. Finally, in hadith eighteen, a man comes to the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) asking for something to cling onto amongst the vast guidance of Islam - the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) responds - "Let your tongue remain moist in remembrance of Allah Most High". In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 72
January 19, 2017

072 – Connecting With Manifest Blessings | Singular Concern for Allah | Leaving Worldly Attachments

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths ten, eleven, and twelve from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. Hadith ten details a story of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) coming across a gathering of remembrance and informing them of Allah's good pleasure regarding it. In hadith eleven, we learn about the importance of remembering Allah Most High when connecting with any manifest blessing. In hadith twelve, we learn about the eminence of the "singularizers" of Allah Most High. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Reliance on Allah Most High from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we learn about leaving worldly attachments and reducing one's range of concerns. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 71
December 18, 2016

071 – Gatherings of Remembrance | Remembrance Gives Life

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths seven, eight, and nine from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. Hadiths seven and eight further detail the virtues of group remembrance. In hadith nine, we learn about the analogy of the one who remembers their Lord as being like the living, and the one who does not remember their Lord as being like the dead. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 70
December 15, 2016

070 – Angels Seeking Out Gatherings of Remembrance | Keeping One’s Self Busy with the Good

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith six from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High. In this hadith, we learn about the angels who seek out gatherings of remembrance, as well as the virtues of group remembrance. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Reliance on Allah Most High from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we learn about the advice of Mansur al-Hallaj (Allah Have Mercy Upon Him), who said, “It is your lower self. If you do not busy it [with the good], it will busy you [with evil]”. In addition, we learn about the dangers of worry and sorrow over the affairs of the world, and that the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) informed us that there are sins whose only atonement is through having concern for one’s livelihood; this is insofar as that work does not prevent one from good works, and does not busy one’s heart from presence in prayer. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 69
December 13, 2016

069 – Closeness to God Through His Remembrance | Reliance on Allah Most High

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins the fifth set of hadiths on the virtues of the remembrance of Allah Most High from Imam Nabahani's forty sets of forty hadiths, covering hadiths one to five. In the first two hadiths, Allah Most High says He is as his servant thinks of Him and that He is with us when we remember Him; we also learn about and how Allah Most High reciprocates our remembrance of Him. In the third hadith, we learn that Allah Most High is with His servant who remembers Him and whose two lips move by Him. This expression indicates the sunnah of pronouncing remembrance, as well as the importance of remembering that it is Allah Most High who creates and sustains our remembrance and all of our actions. In the fourth hadith, we again learn about the reciprocation of Allah Most High of our remembrance. In the fifth hadith, we learn about the relationship between remembrance and gratitude, as well as forgetfulness and disbelief. Shaykh Faraz then begins the section on Reliance on Allah Most High from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we learn about the importance of freeing oneself from matters of provision in order to be able to acquire noble traits and elevated matters. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 68
November 27, 2016

068 – The Importance of Revision and Uninterrupted Study in Attaining Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the section on the Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization, from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. Here, we learn about the methodologies and signs of sufficient review. In addition, we learn about the importance of avoiding any breaks that affect routines and focus in study. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 67
November 25, 2016

067 – Means to Attaining Knowledge: Turning to God and Being Generous

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the section on the Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization, from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. We first learn that the way of the people of Truth in seeking knowledge, is that they seek it through God Most High, recognizing that He is the bestower of knowledge. We learn about the dangers of miserliness and coveting wealth, and their detriment to seeking knowledge. Conversely, we learn about how generosity is a means to attaining knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 66
November 24, 2016

066 – Seeking Benefit from Everyone, Anytime in any Circumstance

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues the section on the Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”, where we learn about how to gain benefit from anyone, balancing seeking knowledge with earning a livelihood, and the importance of gratitude and the basis of neediness in seeking. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 65
November 19, 2016

065 – The Branches of Faith: Actions of the Limbs Relating to Others

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues explaining Ibn Hajar's summary of Imam Ibn Hibban's description of the branches of faith, as included at the end of Imam Nabahani’s third set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. These branches can be divided into the actions of the heart, the actions of the tongue, and the actions of the [other] limbs. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains the branches of faith that fall under the actions of the limbs as they pertain to others in a general sense. This concludes the third set of hadiths from Imam Nabahani's collection. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 64
November 18, 2016

064 – The Branches of Faith: Actions of the Tongue & Actions of the Limbs, Personally and with Family | Reflection in Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues explaining Ibn Hajar's summary of Imam Ibn Hibban's description of the branches of faith, as included at the end of Imam Nabahani’s third set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. These branches can be divided into the actions of the heart, the actions of the tongue, and the actions of the [other] limbs. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains the branches of faith that fall under the actions of the tongue, as well as actions of the limbs as they pertain to one's person and family. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on The Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student",  where we learn about the significance of reflection in understanding subtle matters of knowledge as well as reflection before speaking. In addition, we learn that a student must be seeking benefit in all circumstances, at all times, and from all people. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 63
November 18, 2016

063 – The Branches of Faith: Actions of the Heart

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins explaining Ibn Hajar's summary of Imam Ibn Hibban's description of the branches of faith, as included at the end of Imam Nabahani’s third set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. These branches can be divided into the actions of the heart, the actions of the tongue, and the actions of the [other] limbs. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains the branches of faith that fall under the actions of the heart. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 62
November 17, 2016

062 – Finding the Sweetness of Faith | Virtues of the Testimony of Faith

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty-seven to forty-one from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith thirty-seven, we learn about three qualities by which one will find the sweetness of faith. In hadith thirty-eight, we learn about loving, hating, giving, and withholding for the sake of Allah Most High as signs of the completion of faith. In hadith thirty-nine, we learn about the two testimonies of faith as a means to being forbidden from the fire, and in hadith forty, we learn about the fate of one whose final words are, "There is No God But Allah". Finally, in hadith forty-one, we learn about modesty as a branch of faith, thus concluding the third set of hadiths. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 61
November 12, 2016

061 – Giving Life to the Houses of Allah | Loving the Messenger & Faith | Review, Discussion, & Mutual Presentation

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty-five and thirty-six from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith thirty-five, we learn about the state of faith of one who goes to the mosque regularly. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains the levels by which we may bear witness with respect to people. In hadith thirty-six, we learn about the connection between true, perfected faith and love of the Messenger (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), and Shaykh Faraz explains how this love can be tested. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on The Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we continue to explore the methodologies of review, discussion, and mutual presentation. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 60
November 11, 2016

060 – A Pledge of Allegiance in Faith | The Inviolability of the Believer

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty-two, thirty-three, and thirty-four from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith thirty-two, we learn about a particular pledge of allegiance given to the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) to uphold faith broadly, and for certain acts specifically. In hadith thirty-three, we learn about the inviolability of one who affirms that there is no God but Allah, and disbelieves in that which is worshiped other than Allah. In hadith thirty-four, we learn that a Muslim is one whom other Muslims are safe from their tongue and their hand, and whom others trust with their lives and their wealth. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains that the word "Muslims" in the hadith, is an incidental specification and that non-Muslim rights are the same as Muslim rights, except in specific religious acts (ex. the specific method of the burial rites). In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 59
November 10, 2016

059 – Being Upright | What Unites Muslims | Group Study

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty and thirty-one from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith thirty, we learn that a companion asked the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) to tell him something that he would not have to ask anyone after him, to which the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) responded, "Say, 'I believe in Allah', then be upright". Shaykh Faraz explains that one definition of this uprightness is to soundly uphold Islam in one's actions - outwardly by one's actions being in accordance with the Divine command, and inwardly by upholding truthfulness and sincerity. In hadith thirty-one, we learn that anyone who prays our prayer, faces our qibla, and eats our ritual slaughter cannot be deemed a disbeliever - the implication of which is that we cannot deem anyone a disbeliever based on a technicality. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on The Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we learn about three keys to study - review, discussion, and mutual presentation. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 58
November 5, 2016

058 – People of the Book and Faith | Four Matters of Faith | Faith Entails Contentment

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-seven, twenty-eight, and twenty-nine from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith twenty-seven, we learn about the fate of the People of the Book who reject the message of Islam when it reaches them in sound manner. Hadith twenty-eight informs us about four matters whereby one is not a believer until one believes in them. Hadith twenty-nine informs us about how contentment with one's Lord, faith, and Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) lead one to experience the taste of faith. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 57
November 5, 2016

057 – Attaining the Prophet’s Intercession | The Affairs of Those Characterized with Living Faith

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-five and twenty-six from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith twenty-five, we learn that the most successful of people in attaining the greatest of the Prophet's (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) intercession on the Day of Judgement will be those who say "There is no God but Allah" sincerely from their hearts. In hadith twenty-six, we learn that the affairs of the believer are all good, in that if good things befall them, they are grateful, and if distressful things befall them, they are steadfastly patient. Thus, the test of faith lies in one's response to his affairs. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on The Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where he covers a poem composed by al-Khalil ibn Ahmed al-Sajzari (May Allah Have Mercy on Him) containing advice for the student of knowledge on serving knowledge, how to retain knowledge, discussing knowledge to bring it to life, not distancing oneself from the company of the intelligent, and the dangers of concealing knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 56
November 3, 2016

056 – An Atom’s Weight of Faith | Prophetic Dua of Contentment | Faith and Brotherhood | Beginning One’s Studies

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-one to twenty-four from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith twenty-one, we learn that anyone who has even an atom's weight of faith in their heart will leave the hellfire. In hadith twenty-two, we learn a prophetic dua of contentment that will lead one to Jannah. Hadith twenty-three informs us about how entering into and "making good" one's Islam wipes away past sins, and what happens with good deeds and bad deeds performed thereafter. In hadith twenty-four, we learn about the connection between faith and loving one another for the sake of Allah Most High. Shaykh Faraz then begins the section on The Beginning of Study, Its Amount, and Its Organization from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we learn about how much to study in the initial stages of learning, what to begin with, how to approach review, and the importance of making dua for one's studies. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 55
November 2, 2016

055 – Ten Prophetic Counsels to be in the Circle of Mercy | The Five Pillars Islam is Built Upon

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths nineteen and twenty from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith nineteen, Sayiduna Mu'adh (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) seeks counsel from the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), and we learn about ten counsels that keeps one in the circle of God's mercy. In hadith twenty, we learn about the five pillars that Islam is built upon. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 54
October 27, 2016

054 – How Sound Faith Leaves A Person | Hypocrisy in Our Times | Harms of Overeating

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths seventeen and eighteen from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith seventeen, we learn that faith "leaves" the one who commits fornication while he is engaged therein. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains that one of the causes of misguidance is holding to literal meanings that contradict affirmed meanings, continuing by providing a sound explanation and clarification of this hadith. In hadith eighteen, we learn that the distinct social categorization of hypocrites will not exist after the time of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him); Shaykh Faraz explains how this does not negate the presence of hypocrisy in our times - rather, that we no longer deal with them as a group. One should thus maintain outward caution, and inward good opinion of others. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where we continue to learn about the harms of overeating and the means of reducing eating. We learn that the rulings of eating ultimately revolve around purpose and consequence. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 53
October 21, 2016

053 – Hypocrisy Belies Truthfulness | Foundations of Faith | The “Taste” of Knowledge | Holistic Wellbeing for the Seeker

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths fifteen and sixteen from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith fifteen we learn about the signs of a hypocrite. We learn that faith entails sincerity and being true, while each sign of hypocrisy goes against this fundamental truthfulness. In hadith sixteen, the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) tells us about three things that are from the foundation of faith: holding back from deeming someone a disbeliever by their actions; jihad remaining from his (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) time until the ummah fights the last Messiah - while not being negated by the oppression of an oppressor nor the justice of the just; and belief in destinies. Here, Shaykh Faraz tells us that the basis of jihad is striving for truth, explaining that it has multiple expressions. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn about what it means to experience the benefit, reality and light of knowledge, and how this should increase our appreciation and resolve. We further learn about the harms of overeating in study, how to reduce our eating, and the importance of holistic health and wellbeing, especially for a seeker of knowledge and caller to Allah Most High. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 52
October 20, 2016

052 – The Greatest Threat to Faith | Major Sins | Failing to Act in Accordance With Faith | Knowledge is Light

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twelve to fourteen from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith twelve, we learn that about faith and submission as means to forgiveness. Shaykh Faraz explains that the greatest thing that can take one out of the circle of mercy is associating partners with Allah Most High, whether explicitly or implicitly. Hadith thirteen is a prohibition of some of the major sins, including associating partners with Allah Most High, disrespecting parents, killing any person, and the false oath. Hadith fourteen explains that the one who commits the sins of fornication, stealing, drinking wine, taking the wealth of others when they don't notice, and misappropriating the spoils of war, does not do so while they are a believer. Shaykh Faraz explains that this is not to be taken literally; rather, this negation simply means that at that moment, they are not acting in accordance with what faith entails. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student", where he explains a poem on the virtues and honour of learning by Imam Burhan al-Din al-Marghinani. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 51
October 15, 2016

051 – Keys to Paradise | “Making Good” One’s Islam | Signs of Faith | Laziness and Its Treatment

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths nine, ten, and eleven from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith nine, we learn that they key to Paradise is bearing witness that there is no God except Allah; but the indispensable teeth of this key are acts of obedience and avoiding sins. In hadith ten, we learn about the multiplication of good deeds and diminishment of sins to the extent that one seeks Allah Most High in one's inward commitment to submission and surrender. Hadith eleven teaches us that happiness upon performing good works and sadness upon sinning are signs of faith. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains three levels of faith, what is meant by sadness and happiness, and how to know if one is committing a sin. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn that the roots of laziness are in failing to reflect on the virtues and merits of knowledge, and that good mention that lasts after death is from attaining beneficial knowledge; as Shaykh Faraz explains, the basis of benefit in life is to know. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 50
October 14, 2016

050 – Faith and Salvation | “Striving” Against “The People” | The Basis of Attainment | Consistency and Mentorship

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths six, seven, eight, and nine from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. Hadith five, tells us about how Iman and Islam enter one into Paradise and distance one from the hellfire. In hadith six, we learn about the hadith in which the Prophet has been commanded to strive against the people until they testify their faith. Shaykh Faraz explains the referential and contextual nature of this hadith and how it has been misused and misunderstood. In hadith seven, we learn that one who dies while knowing with certitude that there is no God except Allah will enter Paradise. Hadith eight explains that two things are necessary: that one who dies without committing shirk (polytheism) will enter Paradise, and that one who dies committing shirk will enter the hellfire. Shaykh Faraz explains what is meant by shirk, and that beliefs relate to what is in your heart. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn that the pinnacle, essence, and basis of attainment is high resolve, as well as the essentiality of combining high resolve with consistent striving and mentorship. Furthermore, we learn about the dangers and causes of laziness in seeking. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 49
October 12, 2016

049 – Affirming Sound Doctrine | Actions Safeguard Faith | Islam, Migration, and Faith

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths three and four from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission. In hadith three, we learn about the importance of affirming sound doctrine related to previously incompatible beliefs in addition to the testimony of faith. Here, Shaykh Faraz emphasizes that the key to salvation is faith, and that the role of actions is to safeguard and nurture faith. Thus, the greatest danger in sins is that they threaten faith itself. In hadith four, we learn that Islam, migration, and Hajj completely wipe away what came before them. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 48
October 11, 2016

048 – Make the Most of Five

In this bonus episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the meanings of a well-known hadith containing a Prophetic counsel to make the most of five before five: one's youth before old age, one's wealth before ill health, one's free time before being busied, one's wealth before poverty, and one's life before death. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 47
October 8, 2016

047 – Bearing Witness from the Heart | Dying on the Shahada | Sustainable Momentum in Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins the fourth set of hadiths on the virtues of faith and submission from Imam Nabahani's forty sets of forty hadiths. Shaykh Faraz begins by defining the interrelated concepts of faith and submission, both of which, in essence, relate to an action of the heart. In the first hadith, we learn that there is no one who bears witness to the testimony of faith except that Allah Most High forbids them from the fire; however, key to this is truthfulness from one's heart. In the second hadith, we learn that one who dies upon "There is No God But Allah" is entered into Paradise, even if they had committed theft and fornication. Here, Shaykh Faraz emphasizes that the basis of looking at the believer is therefore respect, and that the intrinsic honouring of human is their capacity for belief. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". Here, we learn about the importance of making use of the days of early youth and adolescence. In addition, we learn an important lesson about the balance between high resolve and sustainable momentum in one's seeking of knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 46
October 6, 2016

046 – The Qur’an as Intercessor | People of the Qur’an | Learning, Retaining and Living the Qur’an

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty-one to forty, thus completing Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. In hadith thirty-one, we learn about the role of the Qur'an as either an accepted intercessor or adversary. In hadith thirty-two, the youngest man in an expedition was appointed as their leader by virtue of knowing and acting upon Surat al-Baqara. Here, we learn that one's fear of not fulfilling the rights of the Qur'an should not prevent one from learning it; we also learn about the analogy of one who learns the Qur'an and acts upon it being like a leather pouch filled with musk whose scent spreads out in every direction. Hadith thirty-three expounds upon the virtues of listening to and reciting the Qur'an. Hadith thirty-four informs us that the person who recites the Qur'an has prophethood between their two sides except that they have not been given revelation, in that they have embraced revelation within. Hadith thirty-five tells us about the roles of fasting and the Qur'an in interceding for the believer. In hadith thirty-six, we learn that Allah Most High's chosen ones amongst people are the people of the Qur'an. Shaykh Faraz explains that the people of the Qur'an are those who behold Allah Most High in His speech. In hadith thirty-seven, we learn about the issues around the impermissibility of paying someone to recite the Qur'an. Shaykh Faraz elaborates on the issue of permissibility in accepting money for worship and teaching, explaining where permissible, and where it is not. Hadith thirty-eight indicates the reward of heading forth in the morning and learning one verse of Qur'an over praying one hundred voluntary cycles of prayer. In hadith thirty-nine we learn about the recitation of ten verses of Qur'an at night as a safeguard against heedlessness. Finally, in hadith forty, we learn about the role of the one who recites and retains the Qur'an as being able to intercede for their family the next life. Shaykh Faraz explains how this also applies in this life through personal transformation and manifestation of its meanings. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 45
October 4, 2016

045 – The Prophet and Recitation of the Qur’an | Night Study | Quantity and Concern for Food | Consistency with Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-seven to thirty from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. In hadith twenty-seven, Al Bara' ibn Azib (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) relates hearing the recitation of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), indicating that he never heard anyone with a more beautiful voice. Hadith twenty-eight teaches us about the neglected sunnah of gathering to recite the Qur'an to one another. In hadith twenty-nine, the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) elucidates the superiority of learning one verse of the Qur'an over any possible worldly concern. Finally, in hadith thirty, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) seeks the counsel of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him), to which He (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) encourages Abu Dharr to hold fast to taqwa and recitation of the Qur'an - as the latter is a light for one on earth and a treasure in the heavens.Shaykh Faraz then continues with the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". Here, we continue to learn about how a student of knowledge should make use of the time between Maghrib and Fajr. We further learn about the importance of reducing food, in terms of both quantity and concern, the importance of consistency in establishing knowledge, and the urgency of making the most of one's youth. Shaykh Faraz additionally highlights that one's religious impulse should be lessons and not lectures, stressing the need for circles of knowledge in the preservation of religion. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 44
October 2, 2016

044 – Beautiful Recitation of the Qur’an | Striving & Exerting Oneself to Learn | The Frontline of Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-three to twenty-six from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. In hadith twenty-three we learn about Allah Most High's allowing for the Prophets to recite the Qur'an melodiously and exert themselves therein, more so than anything he has allowed for, and in hadith twenty-four, we learn about his allowing for a man to beautify his voice more than one with a female slave, with his female slave. Shaykh Faraz explains that reciting here refers to beautiful, melodious recitation. He also elaborates upon the social context of slavery and why it was present and permitted at the time of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). Hadith twenty-five commands the believers to adorn the Qur'an with their voices - due to the rights that the Qur'an has over us. Hadith twenty-six continues on the topic of beautiful and melodious recitation, indicating that one who fails to do this is not following as they should be. Here, we learn about the levels of beautifying one's recitation of the Qur'an. Shaykh Faraz then continues with the section on Striving, Consistency, and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn about three who require striving in learning and understanding: the student, the teacher, and the father. We then cover several lines of poetry, including al-Mutanabbi who said, "I do not see a fault among the faults of men like the imperfection of those able to reach perfection". In addition, we learn about what it means for a student of knowledge to stay up at night, as well as the enormity of leaving learning. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 43
September 30, 2016

043 – Repetition for Deliberation | Sacred Gathering Around the Qur’an | Striving In, For & By Allah

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty-one and twenty-two from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. In hadith twenty-one, we learn about the Prophetic practice of repeating verses of the Qur'an during recitation in order to deepen their meaning and impact. Shaykh Faraz further explains how this sunnah of repetition applies to other acts of worship, including supplication and prayer. Hadith twenty-two details the consequences of gathering in a house of Allah Most High to recite and study the Qur'an. Shaykh Faraz explains what is meant by "houses of Allah", providing practical examples of how we can of bring this hadith into our lives. Shaykh Faraz then begins the chapter on Striving, Consistency and High Resolve from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We begin by considering the importance of these qualities, highlighting that some of the greatest scholars never studied full-time. We learn that a seeker of knowledge must make excuses for knowledge and not from knowledge, and that the pathways to Allah Most High are numerous. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 42
September 29, 2016

042 – Connecting with the Qur’an | Dangers of Forgetting | Recitation of the Prophet | Reverence for Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths sixteen to twenty from Imam Nabahani's set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur'an and its recitation. Hadiths sixteen and seventeen highlight the importance of reviewing and having a regular connection with the Qur'an. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains the personal and communal levels of this responsibility. Hadith eighteen highlights the enormity of forgetting a verse of the Qur'an; Shaykh Faraz explains the difference of opinion regarding what is meant by "forgetting" in this hadith. In hadith nineteen, we learn that one who recites the Qur'an and then forgets how to recite will meet Allah Most High in a crippled state. In hadith twenty, we hear about Umm Salama's description of the recitation of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on venerating knowledge and its people from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". Here, we learn about the importance of venerating knowledge and wisdom, even if one has heard the same thing multiple times. We also learn that the student should consign the matter of what to study to their teacher, and Shaykh Faraz expands on the dangers of self-directedness. In addition, Imam Zarnuji indicates where one should sit in relation to their teacher, and the importance of vigilance for the seeker of knowledge in avoiding blameworthy character traits. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 41
September 27, 2016

041 – Honouring the Bearer of Qur’an | Sign of Pre-Eminence at Burial | Pace and Understanding

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirteen to fifteen from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. In hadith thirteen, we learn that there are three categories of people whom honouring is considered from affirming Allah Most High's Majesty. One of theses categories is the bearer of the Qur'an who is not excessive with it or heedless of it. In hadith fourteen, we learn that how the Qur'an was an outward sign of pre-eminence when making burial decisions at the Battle of Uhud. Hadith fifteen indicates that one who recites the Qur'an in less than three days does not understand what they have recited. Shaykh Faraz explains that this is not an absolute ruling, as the discouragement is connected to a lack of understanding. He further explains that it is not an innovation to do something more than the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did. Rather, this may be done with the right etiquettes, as there are many general calls to good deeds that are not restricted by number or place. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 40
September 22, 2016

040 – Recite and Rise | Crowns for One’s Parents | The Feast of Allah Most High | Etiquette in Writing | Reverence for Companions in Study

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Covers hadiths ten to twelve from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. Hadith ten tells us about the great virtue of both the quality and quantity of one's recitation, such that on the Day of Judgement the person of the Qur'an will be told, "Recite and rise". In hadith eleven, we learn about the relationship between recitation of the Qur'an and dutifulness to one's parents, and that this is something that one should strive to make part of their intention. Hadith twelve informs us about the protection granted to one who contains the Qur'an; Shaykh Faraz explains that this "containing" entails that the container itself be pure. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on venerating knowledge and its people from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn about several etiquettes related to the writing of knowledge. In addition, we learn about the deep respect that one must have for their companion's in seeking knowledge, the danger of envy in this affair, and how to overcome it. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 39
September 22, 2016

039 – Reward of Reciting | God’s Giving Through the Qur’an | Barren from the Qur’an | Etiquette with Books

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths seven to nine from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. In hadith seven, we learn about the reward for reciting a single part of the Book of Allah Most High. Shaykh Faraz explains that the indication of the hadith would entail giving each and every single vowel and letter of the Qur'an it's right and it's due; to the extent that one does so, the spiritual transformative impact of their recitation is magnified. Hadith eight informs us about what is given to the one who is busied by the Qur'an and remembrance of Allah Most High from asking. Here, we learn about the superiority of Allah Most High's speech over all other speech, and what it means to be "busied" by the Qur'an. Hadith nine tells us about the state of the one who has nothing of the Qur'an within him. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on venerating knowledge and its people from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". Here, we learn about several additional etiquettes related to books, including never stretching one's feet towards a book, nor placing anything on top of it. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 38
September 20, 2016

038 – Levels of Reciting the Qur’an | The Qur’an Raises and Intercedes | Positive Envy | Respecting Teachers

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths three to six from Imam Nabahani’s third set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. In the third hadith, we learn about the analogies of two types of believers and two types of hypocrites - those who recite the Qur’an, and those who do not. In the fourth hadith, we learn about how Allah Most High raises and abases people by the Qur'an. Hadith five informs us about the role of the Qur'an as an intercessor, and hadith six tells us about two people whom it is permitted to have envy of: A person whom Allah Most High has granted the Qur'an, and they hold fast to its guidance or recite it by night and by day, and a person whom Allah Most High has granted wealth, so they spend by night and by day. Envy here refers to "positive envy", in that one wants what another has without wanting them to lose it. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on venerating knowledge and its people from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn about the story of Harun ar-Rashid and his son. We also learn that deep respect for one's teacher entails deep respect for one's book - for it is authored by an inheritor, contains inheritance, and is a container through which one acquires what one's teacher will convey. Thus, it is befitting for the seeker of knowledge to only grasp a book in a state of ritual purity. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 37
September 19, 2016

037 – Learning & Teaching the Qur’an | Struggling to Recite | Pleasing One’s Teachers

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani begins the third of Imam Nabahani's forty sets of forty hadiths, on the virtues of the Qur'an and it’s recitation. In the first hadith, we learn that the best of people are those who learn and teach the Qur'an, and what it means to "learn" and to "teach". In the second hadith, we learn about the reward of recitation of the Qur'an for those with mastery and those who struggle therein. Shaykh Faraz emphasizes that anyone serious about their religion must take the means to rectify their recitation of the Qur'an. Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on venerating knowledge and its people from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn about the importance of seeking to please and obey one's teacher in a principled manner, as a true teacher only wants what is good for you in your relationship with Allah Most High. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 36
September 14, 2016

036 – Failing to Ask | Realities on the Day of Judgement | Pleasing People vs. Allah | Opening of Supplication | Allah’s Light of Guidance

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty three to forty from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. Hadith thirty-three informs us that Allah Most High is displeased with those who do not ask of Him, and we learn that there are four ways of failing to ask. Hadith thirty-four explains how the people of Paradise and the people of the Hellfire will not be able to enter therein until they have earned their rights from one another by way of their deeds. Hadith thirty-five tells us about the first words that will be exchanged between Allah Most High and the believers on the Day of Judgement. Hadith thirty-six tells us who will judge between people on the Day of Judgement. In hadith thirty-seven, we learn that the strongest of people are those who trust in Allah Most High, and hadith thirty-eight warns against angering Allah Most High in order to please people. Hadith thirty-nine highlights the Prophet's praise of how Ibn Mas'ud supplicated. Finally, in hadith forty, we learn that when Allah Most High created creation, he cast upon them from His light by which they were guided; whomever His light fell upon was not guided. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 35
September 13, 2016

035 – Keys to Obedience | The Highest Rank | The Pens Have Been Lifted | Waiting for Openings

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty nine to thirty two from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith informs us about the sermon of need. We learn that there are two keys to obeying Allah Most High and His Messenger - commitment to taqwa, and rectification of speech. The second hadith tells us about the highest rank of those in Paradise. They are those who will look to the countenance of Allah Most High, the extent of which will depend on one's state with Allah Most High in this life. The third emphasizes mindfulness and reliance upon Allah Most High, ending with the well-known words, 'The pens have been lifted, and the pages are dry'. Finally, the fourth hadith explains that Allah Most High loves to be asked, and that the best of worship is to wait for an opening. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 34
September 11, 2016

034 – The Vision of Allah Most High | Belief in Destiny | Respecting One’s Teachers

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty six to twenty eight from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first two hadiths affirm the vision of Allah Most High in the hereafter and the blessing therein. In the third hadith, we learn about the importance of belief in destiny. Shaykh Faraz then begins the section on venerating knowledge and its people from Imam Zarnuji's "Instruction of the Student". We learn about the significance of respecting one's teacher, and what this respect entails. This respect applies to both one's direct teachers and anyone that one has benefitted from in their religion. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 33
September 10, 2016

033 – The Great Virtue of al-Fatiha | 100 Created Mercies | Good Company for Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty four and twenty five from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith highlights the great virtue of reciting Surat al-Fatiha in prayer, and the dialogue that occurs between the servant and his Lord when reciting it. The second hadith informs us of the vastness of God's Mercy. It tells us that Allah has created 100 mercies when He created the heavens and earth and only manifested one mercy in this life, and will manifest all 100 mercies in the hereafter. Finally, Shaykh Faraz explains the importance and necessity of having good company while seeking knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 32
September 9, 2016

032 – God’s Pleasure | Unimaginable Reward | Glad Tidings for Believers | Six Conditions for Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty one to twenty three from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith tells us about God's pleasure manifest to his righteous servants in the hereafter. The second hadith informs us about the unimaginable nature of paradise. The third hadith gives glad tidings to the believers in the hereafter. Then, Shaykh Faraz explains six matters one needs in the path of seeking knowledge: intelligence, avidness, steadfast patience, the means, the right guidance of a teacher, and a long time. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 31
September 8, 2016

031 – Crawling to Paradise | God’s Generosity | Covering Faults | Patience Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths eighteen to twenty from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith informs us about how the last person will exit the hellfire and enter paradise. The second hadith tells us about the immensity and endlessness of Allah's generosity. The third hadith describes how Allah covers faults in this life and forgives them in the hereafter. Finally, Shaykh Faraz explains the importance of having patience and staying firm when seeking knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 30
September 7, 2016

030 – God’s Innumerable Blessings | Choosing A Teacher

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths sixteen and seventeen from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. Both hadith highlight the absolute indebtedness of creation to Allah Most High for His innumerable blessings, and that no amount of worship could fulfill one of His blessings. We are reminded that people are entered into paradise only by Allah's mercy. Then Shaykh Faraz gives some essential keys to choosing a teacher. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 29
September 6, 2016

029 – Entering Paradise is Only By God’s Mercy | Choosing Knowledge Subjects

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths fifteen from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The hadith informs us of a man who worshipped Allah for five hundred years, and how in the hereafter all this worship is insignificant compared to Allah's blessings. The hadith establishes the point that it is only by Allah's mercy that people enter paradise. Then Shaykh Faraz explains how a student of knowledge chooses the subject matter to study, and the importance of staying firm on the course of study. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 28
September 5, 2016

028 – Being With the Prophet in Paradise and Gratitude

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths fourteen from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The hadith tells us the story of an Abyssinian man who came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, asking him about how he could be with him in paradise. The Prophet taught the man valuable keys to expressing gratitude for God's blessings. Then man then asked the Prophet if he would see in paradise the like of what the Prophet would see, and the Prophet replied in the affirmative. The Abyssinian man was deeply moved by that, that he wept until he died. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was seen later burying him. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 27
September 3, 2016

027 – People’s Hearts Under God’s Mercy | Having Good Opinion of God

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths eleven to thirteen from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith inform us that people's hearts are under God's control and His Mercy, and that He turns them as He pleases. The other two hadiths highlight the tremendous merit of having a good opinion of Allah, so much so that it will be a salvation for a person from the fire in the hereafter.  In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 26
September 3, 2016

026 – Working for the Hereafter | The Athan and Paradise | Being With the People of Allah

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths nine and ten from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith is a reminder that one must take the means of working for the hereafter. The second hadith tells us about the great merit of repeating behind the athan, with sincerity and from one's heart. Finally, Shaykh Faraz gives some key advice on the company one should seek and keep.  In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 25
September 2, 2016

025 – Striving | God’s Majesty Manifest in the Hereafter | Humility in Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths six to eight from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith urges us to strive and do our best in actions seeking Allah, but to only rely on Him to enter paradise. The other two hadiths inform us about Allah's majestic manifestation and His absolute control in the hereafter and how the responses will differ between believers and disbelievers. Finally, Shaykh Faraz highlights the immense responsibility of the seeker of knowledge, and how knowledge should be sought with humility.  In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 24
September 1, 2016

024 – Etiquette of Supplication | God’s Patience and Mercy | Beholding God

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths one to five from Imam Nabahani’s second set of hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first two hadiths inform us about some key etiquettes and understandings when supplicating to God. The third and fourth hadiths tell us about God's tremendous patience and mercy with his creation. The fifth hadith is about the certainty of beholding God in the hereafter, and an emphasis on praying and remembering God before sunrise and before sunset. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 23
August 30, 2016

023 – The People of Remembrance | Intentions Upon Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers the concluding hadiths of the first collection from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The concluding hadiths are on the high rank of the people of remembrance with Allah, and the great merits of remembrance. Then Shaykh Faraz highlights some key intentions to make upon seeking knowledge, and mentions which intentions to keep away from. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 22
August 30, 2016

022 – Salvation Card | Weight of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” | Virtues of Remembrance

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine and forty from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first two hadiths inform us about the weight of the proclamation of Divine Oneness, there is no god but Allah (la illaha illa Allah), in the hereafter, and the salvation that comes through believing it. The third and fourth hadiths tell us about the great merits and virtues of engaging in the remembrance of God, and busying one's self with that.  In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 21
August 29, 2016

021 – Gratitude for God’s Bounty | Proclaiming God’s Oneness and Divine Response

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty five and thirty six from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith tells us about Allah taking people into account in the hereafter for the bounties He has granted them. The second hadith informs us about the Divine response to someone who proclaims Allah's oneness. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 20
August 28, 2016

020 – End of Time | Heaven Without Reckoning | Devotion | Knowledge to Please God

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths thirty two, thirty three and thirty four from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith informs us about those who gather the worldly through religion, and are wolves disguised in sheep's clothing. The second hadith tells us about those from the followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) who will be entered into paradise without reckoning. The third hadith highlights the merit of freeing oneself for worship and devotion. Then Shaykh Faraz explains some keys to having a sincere intentions of pleasing Allah through seeking knowledge.  In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 19
August 27, 2016

019 – Good Opinion of God and Drawing Near | Loving For God | Intentions of Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty nine, thirty and thirty one from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first two hadiths inform us that Allah is as the servant thinks of Him, and that if the servant draws near to Allah, He brings them multiple times closer. The third hadith highlights the great status of those that love each other for Allah's sake. Then Shaykh Faraz explains some of the intentions of seeking knowledge.  In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 18
August 26, 2016

018 – The Virtue of Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers some verses and hadiths on the virtues of knowledge from Imam Nawawi's Gardens of the Righteous (Riyad al-Salihin). He looks at Chapter 241: Chapter on the Virtue of Knowledge in Learning It and in Teaching it for the Sake of Allah. This is covered to supplement Imam Zarnuji's Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum).  A translation of Chapter 241 of Imam Nawawi's Gardens of the Righteous (Riyad al-Salihin) by Aisha Bewley could be found here: http://bewley.virtualave.net/riyad7.html#ilm . In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 17
August 25, 2016

017 – The Lowest Rank in Paradise | The Divine Attributes of Majesty and Perfection

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty seven and twenty eight from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith gives a description of the bounty that Allah grants the lowest of people in rank in paradise after entering them into it. The second hadith highlights the Divine attributes of Might and Greatness, and that vying with Allah for them is deserving of punishment.  In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 16
August 24, 2016

016 – Taken To Account By God

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith twenty six from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. This hadith is about standing before God in the hereafter, and how some servants will be taken to account by God. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 15
August 23, 2016

015 – Divine Forgiveness | Seeking God Through Service | Difining Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty four and twenty five from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith is about the immediacy and vastness of God's forgiveness manifest when a servant repents. The second hadith highlights the aspect of seeking closeness to God through service. Then Shaykh Faraz explains some key definitions of knowledge by some of the great classical scholars. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 14
August 17, 2016

014 – Circles of Remembrance | Family Ties | Prioritizing Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty two and twenty three from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith tells us about the great merit of establishing and attending circles of remembrance and their immense reward. The second hadith emphasizes the importance of maintaining family ties. Then Shaykh Faraz explains how one prioritizes the knowledge that they acquire and seek. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 13
July 28, 2016

013 – Oneness of Action | Recording of Deeds | Personal & Communal Obligations

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths twenty and twenty one from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith tells us that belief entails attributing blessings and actions to Allah's bounty, and disbelief would be to attribute them to astrological events. The second hadith talks about how good deeds and intentions are recorded and multiplied, and bad deeds are recorded only equal to the extent of the deed. Then Shaykh Faraz explains how some knowledge is a personal obligation, like knowledge of good character, and other knowledge is a communal obligation. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 12
July 19, 2016

012 – Last Person in Paradise | Good Character

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadith nineteen from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. This hadith tells of dialogue between God and the last person to enter paradise, portraying God's vast mercy. Then Shaykh Faraz explains how sound knowledge should result in good character and acting on that knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 11
June 13, 2016

011 – Heaven and Hell | Swimming in Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths fifteen and eighteen from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith informs us of the least punishment in hell as a result of associating partners with God. The second hadith is on unfathomable reward of heaven. Then Shaykh Faraz explains a few lines of poetry cited in the text giving comprehensive advice on seeking knowledge. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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Episode 10
June 7, 2016

010 – Prophet Muhammad’s Intercession | Beholding Allah (Special with Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan)

In this special episode, Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan covers hadiths sixteen and seventeen from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith is on the amazing intercession of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in the hereafter, even for those that have entered the fire. The second hadith tells us about the beholding of Allah in paradise, and how that beholding is best reward granted to the people of paradise.  Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan is the Founder and Director of Dar al-Turath al-Islami (DTI), Cape Town, as well as the co-founder of Mahabbah Foundation. He is one of the of the Fatwa Committee of the Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa, and is also an Imam at Masjid al-Rahmah, Garlendale. In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 9
May 31, 2016

009 – The Elect Servants of God

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz covers hadiths thirteen and fourteen from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. Both hadiths tell us about the elect servants of God, their high station with God and how that station could be sought. Shaykh Faraz highlights from the latter hadith that way to reach high stations with God is by fulfilling obligations and trusts first and foremost, and then going above and beyond in devotional acts. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 8
May 28, 2016

008 – Divine Response to Prayer | Honor of Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz covers hadiths eleven and twelve from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The first hadith tells us about God's unique, and unmatched creation. The second hadith tells us about God's response to every verse of the Fatiha when recited in prayer. Then, Shaykh Faraz discusses the honor of knowledge. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 7
May 22, 2016

007 – Those Who Challenge God | Obligatory Knowledge of the Heart

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz covers hadiths nine and ten from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The hadiths tell us about how humans challenge Allah Most High by denying resurrection, attributing a son to Him, and cursing time. Then, Shaykh Faraz discusses how the knowledge of the states of the heart is obligatory. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 6
May 22, 2016

006 – Evil | Divine Justice & Power | Transactions

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz covers hadiths seven and eight from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. The hadiths tell us about how Allah Most High warns of engaging in any evil, and His absolute justice, power and endless giving. Then, Shaykh Faraz discusses the importance of having knowledge of transactions, because everyone is involved in transactions on some level. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 5
April 29, 2016

005 – Mercy Manifest at Night | Spending for God | Knowledge of the Moment

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz covers hadiths five and six from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. These hadiths tell us about Allah Most High’s closeness and generosity. Then, he discusses the idea of ‘ilm al hal’ — or the essential knowledge that every Muslim must seek in order to obey Allah Most High. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 4
April 28, 2016

004 – Divine Generosity | Necessary Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz covers hadiths three and four from Imam Nabahani’s hadiths on the Praise Of Allah. These Hadiths remind us of Allah’s Mercy, and His generosity to His servants. Then, he briefly goes through the sections of Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers Of Knowledge. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 3
April 26, 2016

003 – Divine Oneness | Purity | Outlining Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz explains the difference between the Qur’an, a Hadith Qudsi, and a normal Hadith of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). He then covers two hadiths on the Mercy of Allah. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 2
April 26, 2016

002 – Introducing Imam Zarnuji’s Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz introduces Imam Zarnuji and his text on the ways of seeking knowledge. He explains why this text is so critical for students of knowledge, and some of the qualitiess of ‘Lordly Scholars’. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

Episode 1
April 26, 2016

001 – Introducing Imam Nabahani’s 40 Sets of 40 Hadiths

In this episode, Shaykh Faraz introduces Imam Yusuf al Nabahani and his text containing 40 sets of 40 hadiths. He discusses the sources of the hadiths, and some of the things authors are recommended to do when writing, such as beginning in the name of Allah. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ encouraged us to strive for uprightness by seeking assistance in the early mornings, late afternoons (al-rawha), and something of the depths of the night. From this tradition, the scholars, early and recent, made it a habit to read texts of religious guidance, briefly, in the late afternoon (rawha) time, and often termed such readings their daily “rawha.” The term refers to the late afternoon, but also to a time of rest from worldly toils, and reinvigoration of one’s spirit. In the Daily Rawha, held daily at 6 pm at SeekersGuidance Toronto for 20 minutes or so, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts: (1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and (2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We will be beginning with the first set, 40 Sacred Hadith (hadith qudsi). The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.