Episode 67
November 8, 2018

Human Beings Before Buildings – The Prophetic Legacy – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this khutba, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains how the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) is for all times and places. The most important thing of one’s daily life is following the sunna. One of the main points of the sunna is to build great people. The prophetic message came to establish great people,  not just great institutions. What makes human beings great is that they a creation of Allah Most High. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) built the best of human being. He (peace and blessings be upon him) was sent to perfect noble character. One’s noble character should be manifest in one's dealings with those whom they spend the most time with (i.e. one’s family). A question all believers should ask themselves is when one is with their family, does there presence bring a smile to one’s family? Shaykh Walead ends by reminding the believers that when the companions were with the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) they  felt as though they were the most beloved by Him (peace and blessings be upon him). For more podcasts by SeekersHub, visit seekershub.org/podcasts Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.   The audio of this khutbah came curiosity of Islamic Center of Greater Detroit

Episode 66
October 10, 2018

Islamic Spirituality Explained – 01 – Introduction to Sufism and 1st Aphorism of Ibn At’illah (rebroadcast)

In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad begins by defining some of the various definitions for tasawwuf (Islamic spirituality), and how the work of Ibn At'illah, The Hikam (aphorisms) is a book of the Muslim umma.  The heart of tasawwuf is actualizing tawheed, monotheism. Each aphorism builds on the previous one. Shaykh Walead explains the first aphorism: "From among the signs of dependance on one's actions, is the diminished hope on the occurrence of missteps.” One should not be depending on one’s own works, rather one should depend solely on Allah. Everything from Allah is a blessing whether one recognizes it or not. Actualizing tawheed is finding blessing in everything.   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 65
September 8, 2018

Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 7: Summary + Q&A – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad continues to look at the fruits of faith, covering Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this session, he gives practical advice on how to deal with these stations and implement them in one's life. He then gives a summary of the first few the seven gateways of spiritual wayfaring covered—grief, fear, compassionate concern, and reverence. Shaykh Walead moves on to entertain the audience's questions. He discusses the difference between a hal (state) and maqam (station), balancing renunciation with worldly cultivation, perceiving the state of the Muslims today, modern culture, and balancing different forms of worship. This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Stations of the Wayfarers: Fruits of the Branches of Faith.” In this seven-part series, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the fruits of the branches of faith, looking at the ten gateways to the paths of spiritual wayfaring found in the second section of Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate - your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 64
August 27, 2018

Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 6: Renunciation & Scrupulousness- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad continues to look at the fruits of faith, covering Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this session, he covers the sixth and seventh gateways to wayfaring, renunciation (zuhd) and scrupulousness (waraʿ). Shaykh Walead explains on the meaning of renunciation and its three hierarchical levels listed in the text. They are: renunciation (1) from the doubtful, after leaving the unlawful, (2) from excess beyond necessities, and finally (3) from renunciation. He moves on to look at scrupulousness, what it means, and its three levels: (1) avoiding abominations, (2) keeping within the limits of the completely unobjectionable, and (3) scrupulously avoiding every distractor. This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Stations of the Wayfarers: Fruits of the Branches of Faith.” In this seven-part series, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the fruits of the branches of faith, looking at the ten gateways to the paths of spiritual wayfaring found in the second section of Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers).   Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada

Episode 63
August 19, 2018

Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 5: Submissive Humility – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad continues looking at the fruits of faith, covering Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this session, he looks at the fifth gateway to wayfaring, submissive humility (ikhbat; "the inception of security from reversal or hesitation")—a beginning of the station of serenity, which he begins by exploring. Shaykh Walead explains the three hierarchical levels (from lowest to highest) of this virtue mentioned by Imam Harawi. They are: (1) that virtue overcome desire, resolve overcome remissness, and seeking overcome comfort, (2) that no intermediary cause diminish one's resolve, that no incident alienate one's heart, no tribulation hinder one's path, and (3) indifference to praise and disparagement, constant reproach of the ego, and blindness to people's shortcomings compared to oneself. This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Stations of the Wayfarers: Fruits of the Branches of Faith.” In this seven-part series, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the fruits of the branches of faith, looking at the ten gateways to the paths of spiritual wayfaring found in the second section of Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers)   Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada

Episode 62
July 30, 2018

Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 4: Reverence – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad continues looking at the fruits of faith, covering Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this session, he looks at the forth gateway of spiritual wayfaring, reverence. He starts by highlighting reverence in the three types of remembrance—Quran, ritual prayer, and glorification—before shedding light on the meaning of reverence itself. Shaykh Walead explains the three hierarchical levels (lowest to highest) of reverence mentioned in the work. They are: (1) humility to Allah's command, surrendering to His judgement, and cognizance of His gaze, (2) vigilance of the self's shortcomings, seeing others' favours on one, and inhaling the breeze of annihilation, and (3) maintaining the sanctity of the spiritual station upon an unveiling, purity from ostentation, and seeing all favour as from Allah. This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Stations of the Wayfarers: Fruits of the Branches of Faith.” In this seven-part series, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the fruits of the branches of faith, looking at the ten gateways to the paths of spiritual wayfaring found in the second section of Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada

Episode 61
July 20, 2018

Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 3: Concern – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad continues looking at the fruits of faith, covering Imam Abdullah al-Ansari al-Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). In this lesson, he looks at the third gateway to spiritual wayfaring, concern (ishfaq), which, he says, resembles a combination between vigilance and compassion. Shaykh Walead looks at the three hierarchical levels of this compassionate vigilance mentioned by Imam Harawi in his work: (1) concern over the self lest it lend itself to recalcitrance, over action lest it become lost, and over others recognizing their excuses; (2) concern over time lest it be tainted by distraction, over the heart lest it be busied, and over certainty lest it be undercut by an intermediary function; and (3) concern which guards one's striving from conceit, spares one from entering into conflict, and helps one keep within Allah's limits. The session closes with a Q&A. --- This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Stations of the Wayfarers: Fruits of the Branches of Faith.” In this seven-part series, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the fruits of the branches of faith, looking at the ten gateways to the paths of spiritual wayfaring found in the second section of Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers).   Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate - your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada

Episode 60
July 13, 2018

Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 2: Grief & Fear – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad continues exploring the fruits of the branches of faith, covering Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). He begins looking at the first two gateways of wayfaring mentioned in the text, grief and fear. He explores the three hierarchical levels of grief: (1) over negligence in devotion, alienation, and lost days, (2) over dispersion, being busied from witnessing, and being consoled, and (3) over being saddened by obstacles, that which blocks one's intentions, and over objections against Allah's command. Next, Shaykh Walead looks at fear. He explains that only fear of Allah is legitimate, and explains what this fear means. Then he looks at the levels of fear, which are (1) fear of punishment and (2) fear of being deluded regarding one's station, while the elite do not have fear in this sense, only deep reverence and awe of the Divine. This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Stations of the Wayfarers: Fruits of the Branches of Faith.” In this seven-part series, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the fruits of the branches of faith, looking at the ten gateways to the paths of spiritual wayfaring found in the second section of Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate - your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada

Episode 59
July 6, 2018

Stations of the Wayfarers (Section 2: The Gateways) – 1: Introduction – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad begins covering the second section from Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). The second section is on the gateways that lead to the stations of the wayfarers. In this session, he introduces the path of wayfaring, where one rectifies one's internal states which motivate one's actions. This wayfaring is spiritual: forging a path against one's external and internal enemies. One's external enemies, he explains, are worldliness and the Devil, while one's worst enemy, the self (nafs), is internal. Shaykh Walead posits that knowing the Prophetic inner states and ranks is part of knowing the sunna, contending that inner cultivation is the heart of the faith. Having covered the first section of Harawi's work during a previous visit, he closes by introducing its second section, on the gateways taken to enter the various paths of wayfaring. This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Stations of the Wayfarers: Fruits of the Branches of Faith.” In this seven-part series, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the fruits of the branches of faith, looking at the ten gateways to the paths of spiritual wayfaring found in the second section of Imam Harawi's Manazil al-Sa'irīn (Stations of the Wayfarers). Help SeekersHub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate - your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 58
June 26, 2018

The Art of Prophetic Forgiveness – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead delves deep into what forgiveness is, why it is important and how to forgive. He highlights the need for forgiveness through examples from the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 57
May 24, 2018

The Balance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains how the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) was balanced in everything he did, and how following him is the middle way. He goes on to explain how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was perfectly balanced inwardly and outwardly. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 56
May 4, 2018

al-Isra’ w al-Mi’raj – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad begins by speaking about the virtue of the month of Rajab and its importance for Muslims. How the month of Rajab can be a renewal season, and an opportunity to seek benefit. The believers have a cycle of spiritual moods. Shaykh Walead goes on to explain how one can not talk about the Isra' and Mi'raj without talking about the city of Ta’if and how the tribe of Banu Thaqif rejected the prophetic message. He goes on to explain the importance of the chain of narrations and how it is part of the very essence of Islam. He explains the key elements of both the Isra' and the Mi'raj. Shaykh Walead ends by explaining Prophet Muhammad' (peace and blessing be upon him) return to Mecca and how the Isra' and Mi'raj was a test to many companions' faith. However, for Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), it affirmed his faith and he would be defined by the Isra' and Mi'raj.   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 55
April 15, 2018

The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Wearing of a Ring – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad goes over how the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) wore a ring. He explains the ring’s significance and description. He goes on to explain that before the coming of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) it was not the customary practice of the Arabs to wear rings. Shaykh Walead ends by describing some true elements in practicing Islam, and what should be avoided. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through the monthly donation by going to http://www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate – your donations are tax-deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 54
April 9, 2018

The Wearing of Sandals by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ

In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad, goes over how the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) wore his sandals, and how the companions were keen to follow him in all that he did. They were keen to follow the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) out of love that resonated in their hearts. The point of the companions following the Messenger of Allah(peace and blessing be upon him) is the love that is in heart.   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 53
March 25, 2018

Clothing worn by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ – Shaykh Walaed Mosaad

"In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the different clothing the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) wore, how he wore clothing from different lands, and how, out of his humility, didn’t have any distinct dress. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) did state that he preferred the color white. Shaykh Walead ends the podcast by reminding the believers that what one wears should be out of balance, and to be far away from any type of arrogance."   Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.SeekersGuidance.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 52
March 18, 2018

Greying of the Hair of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad discusses the greying of the Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing be upon him) hair. He goes onto address how the greying of one’s hair is a sign toward death. Therefore one’s best to direct every moment to pleasing Allah Most High. He closes by reminding the believers should be balanced and should adorn one’s self with balanced qualities.   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 51
March 4, 2018

Difference Between Shama’il and Seerah- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the difference between Shama’il and Seerah. He explains how the Shama’il shows a more comprehensive picture than the Seerah. He goes on to explain how each focus is different as well. Studying the Shama’il first gives one a better understanding of who the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) is. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 50
February 24, 2018

What is Beauty in Relation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains what is beauty in relation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) inwardly and outwardly. He answers the question whether or not beauty is subjective, and true beauty is about balance. The sacred law of Islam showing what perfect balance is. He ends explaining the importance of verifying where one gets their knowledge from.

Episode 49
February 17, 2018

Modesty of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him)

In this podcast Shaykh Walead explains about the modesty of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). How he did various different actions in different ways showing the diversity in doing things and achieving benefit. He goes on to mention how modesty of the Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing be upon him) may have looked to be outward when in fact the modesty of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) was both inwardly and outwardly.     Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 48
February 2, 2018

Why Study the Shama’il of the Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing be upon him) Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains why it is important to learn about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) through the shama'il, and how it will give one a deeper love and honor of the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) . He goes on to explain why the companions marveled when trying to describe the prophetic character traits. Checkout all of the SeekersGuidance podcasts by visiting http://SeekersGuidance.org/podcasts Help SeekersGuidance build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.SeekersGuidance.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 47
January 31, 2018

Supporting Scholars and Students in Need – A Message from Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

  Through the SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Scholars Fund, SeekersGuidance Global has been able to help numerous scholars and students of knowledge in need to continue to study and serve their communities. Help is still urgently needed for a number of ongoing cases to help scholars and students of knowledge in need. Please donate today for this ongoing charity. Donate now at seekers.flywheelstaging.com/donate. All donations are zakat-eligible and are tax-deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 46
January 26, 2018

Modesty of the Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing be upon

In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains about the modesty of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him), and how the outer is a banner for the inner. Describing the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) life as one of balance.   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 45
January 19, 2018

Purposeful use of time by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him)

In this episode Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the purposeful use of time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) how he busied himself with good, connecting to the Qur'an. Using the gift of time for goodness. Seeking Allah for Allah not for an alternative motive. Showing all how to be a grateful servant. Shaykh Walead ends by reminding all to follow the prophetic example to live a life of purpose. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 44
January 12, 2018

Characteristics of those first to believe in the Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessing be upon him)- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

    In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad reminds the believers of the high rank of those first to believe in the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). How they were unwavering in their belief of Him. Striving to follow the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) inwardly and outwardly in all that their actions. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.

Episode 43
January 5, 2018

The Importance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) Outer and Inner States- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the importance of knowing both the inward and outward characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). How knowing the outward goes hand in hand with knowing the inward, and both help in growing in love of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him). Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts Help Seekershub build a Global Islamic Seminary and spread the light of guidance to millions around the world by supporting us through monthly donation by going to http://www.seekershub.org/donate – your donations are tax deductible in the US and Canada.  

Episode 42
December 16, 2017

Islam For Life: Cultivating an Inner Life- Shaykh Walead Mosaad(rebroadcast)

Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the importance on making all one does beautifully in following the Prophetic example.  Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts

Episode 41
November 17, 2017

What is Happiness – Shaykh Walead Mosaad-(rebroadcast)

 In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad reflects on the relationship between knowledge and happiness in the Islamic tradition. Does more knowledge mean more happiness? What is happiness? The audio of this podcast was taken from  Bayan Claremont. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 40
September 29, 2017

Jewels Of The Quran- Shaykh Walead Mosaad – Part Three

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad shows how the Qur'an should transform one's life, and how the Qur'an should build a connection with Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). This talk was delivered at the Islamic Center of Charlotte. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 39
September 22, 2017

Jewels Of The Quran- Shaykh Walead Mosaad – Part Two

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad shows how the Qur'an should transform one's life, and how the Qur'an should build a connection with Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). This talk was delivered at the Islamic Center of Charlotte Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 38
September 15, 2017

Jewels Of The Quran- Shaykh Walead Mosaad – Part One

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad shows how the Qur'an should transform one's life, and how the Qur'an should build a connection with Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). This Friday sermon was delivered at the Islamic Center of Charlotte Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 37
September 8, 2017

Pillars of Prophet Muhammad’s Legacy-Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this Friday sermon, Shaykh Walead Mosaad shows how the prophetic legacy came to transform people’s heart, and how following the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)  is one of the keys to success. Shaykh Walead reminds us that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) showed good character in all his states.   This Friday sermon was delivered at the Clifton Masjid   Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 36
August 25, 2017

Controlling Your Anger – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this Friday sermon, Shaykh Walead Mosaad reflects on the misuse of anger, and how anger that is misdirected is a type of arrogance. Shaykh Walead reminds us that we are to know, and remember Allah. For remembering Allah Most High will enable one to direct emotions in the right way.

Episode 35
August 18, 2017

Seasons of the Heart: Shaykh Walead Mosaad

 In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad will seek to explain how a sound grasp of our ʿaqīdah (creed) will allow us to properly cope and excel in times of spiritual flux. Just as we know how to interpret and deal with the changing seasons in nature around us, we must be able to do the same for the seasons we experience within ourselves. The audio of this podcast was taken from Drexel MSA. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 34
August 4, 2017

Stations of the Wayfayers Part Four: Reflection- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

 In this podcast, Shaykh Walead  Mosaad is explaining the station of  reflection. Shaykh Walead is teaching from the classic book, "Stations of the Wayfarers" by Shaykh al-Islam Abdullah al-Ansari. In this  series, he covers the first ten parts of the book. The audio of this podcast was taken from  The Qadriyya Association -Gambia. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 33
July 21, 2017

Stations of the Wayfayers Part Three: Shaykh Walead Mosaad

 In this podcast, Shaykh Walead  Mosaad is explaining the station of  calling oneself to accountant. Shaykh Walead is teaching from the classic book, "Stations of the Wayfarers" by Shaykh al-Islam Abdullah al-Ansari. In this  series, he covers the first ten parts of the book. The audio of this podcast was taken from  The Qadriyya Association -Gambia. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 32
July 14, 2017

Stations of the Wayfayers Part Two: Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains how being a good Muslim makes one a good person as well. Shaykh Walead is teaching from the classic book, "Stations of the Wayfarers" by Shaykh al-Islam Abdullah al-Ansari. In this  series, he covers the first ten parts of the book. The audio of this podcast was taken from  The Qadriyya Association -Gambia. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/

Episode 31
July 7, 2017

Stations of the Wayfayers Part One: Shaykh Walead Mosaad

In this podcast, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains how being a good Muslim makes one a good person as well. Shaykh Walead is teaching from the classic book, "Stations of the Wayfarers" by Shaykh al-Islam Abdullah al-Ansari. In this  series, he covers the first ten parts of the book. The audio of this podcast was taken from  The Qadriyya Association -Gambia. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts/  

Episode 30
May 18, 2017

Seeking Knowledge- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad gives advice on seeking knowledge and doing so with sincerity. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts

Episode 29
May 11, 2017

Ramadan Advice – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad gives advice leading up to the month of Ramadan, and some keys to maximizing one's benefit during the month of Ramadan. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcasts

Episode 28
May 4, 2017

Manifesting Prophetic Beauty In Hardship -Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad calls Muslims to manifest beauty in all their dealings with people and in all situations. He explains the concept of beauty in Islam, through the verses in the Qur'an where beauty was mentioned. Shaykh Walead highlights that beauty was mentioned three times in the Qur'an in situations of hardship. The standard that the Qur'an calls to, is to manifest beauty in dealing with hardships, let alone in times of ease. Checkout all of the SeekersHub podcasts by visiting http://seekershub.org/podcast

Episode 27
February 5, 2017

Dhul Qarnayn and Tawfiq – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead explains verses 83 to 110 of Surah Kahf, which tell the story of Dhul Qarnayn, and the closing verses of the chapter. He highlights the key lessons from the story and significant themes the concluding verses address.

Episode 26
January 29, 2017

The Prophet Musa and Khidr and Knowledge – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead explains verses 60 to 82 of Surah Kahf, which tell the story Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) with Khidr. He highlights the key lessons from the story and significant themes it addresses. Shaykh Walead highlights the key lessons from the story and the following verses, and significant themes they address.

Episode 25
January 21, 2017

The Man of the Two Gardens and Gratitude Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead explains verses 32 to 59 of Surah Kahf, which tell the story of the man with the two gardens who was ungrateful for the blessing he was given. The verses also tell us about disbelief, its reasons, qualities and consequences. Shaykh Walead highlights the key lessons from the story and the following verses, and significant themes they address.

Episode 24
January 16, 2017

The People of the Cave and Tawakkul Part Two- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead explains verses 21 to 31 of Surah Kahf, which tell the story of the people of the cave. He highlights the key lessons from the story and significant themes it addresses. In Surah Kahf there are lessons and parables that contain guidance on how to deal with the trials and tribulations that are associated with the Dajjal.

Episode 23
January 13, 2017

The People of the Cave and Tawakkul Part One- Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead explains verses 9 to 21 of Surah Kahf, which tell the story of the people of the cave. He highlights the key lessons from the story and significant themes it addresses. In Surah Kahf there are lessons and parables that contain guidance on how to deal with the trials and tribulations that are associated with the Dajjal.

Episode 22
January 10, 2017

Virtues and Significance of Surah Kahf and Its Opening Verses – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead gives an overview of Surah Kahf, its virtues, significance and the background context for the reasons it was revealed. He then starts explaining the first verses of Surah Kahf, and explains verses 1 to 8. In Surah Kahf there are lessons and parables that contain guidance on how to deal with the trials and tribulations that are associated with the Dajjal.

Episode 21
January 4, 2017

01- Giving Life to Surah Kahf – Shaykh Walead Mosaad

Shaykh Walead Mosaad gives a concise overview of some meanings and themes found in Surah Kahf. He explains that it is one of the oft recited chapters of the Qur'an and that it is significant to ward off the Dajjal. In Surah Kahf there are lessons and parables that contain guidance on how to deal with the trials and tribulations that are associated with the Dajjal. Shaykh Walead explains that theses trials and tribulations come in a process of successive decline before the the Dajjal and culminates with the coming forth of the Dajjal. Shaykh Walead highlights that one of the major trials is battling against one's lower self and ego, and that one should humble themselves to God and have trust in Him. Shaykh Walead also calls everyone to try to see things as they truly are and to beware of delusion.

Episode 20
November 18, 2016

How Will You Deal with Power? – Watch Out for Your Inner Pharaoh

Shaykh Walead Mosaad reflects on some of the thematic lessons from Surat al-Kahf. He explains that it is beneficial to reflect on the four main types of trials that are portrayed in the surah: being tried in religion, wealth, knowledge and power. Shaykh Walead reflects on some of the thematic lessons from Surat al-Kahf. He explains that it is beneficial to reflect on the four main types of trials that are portrayed in the surah: being tried in religion, wealth, knowledge and power. Shaykh Walead further explains that those that are tried in this life with power have the same archetypes that repeat themselves in every age in history; there will always be pharaohs. Shaykh Walead then highlights that we should worry about our inner pharaoh, which is manifest in how we deal with any power that we hold over people, at any level it may be in.

Episode 19
November 2, 2016

Key Tips on Prayer in Islam

Shaykh Walead Mosaad highlights some key virtues and meanings of the prayer in Islam. He then gives essential tips to improve one’s prayer. Shaykh Walead advises to start off by making sure that one is consistent in their obligatory prayers. Then, to add on the emphasized sunna prayers, like witr and duha. And finally, to add the other sunna prayers. Shaykh Walead then gives tips to have presence in prayer. He advises to set aside a consistent area of prayer, to vary the verses being recited in prayer, and to strive to have presence outside the prayer.

Episode 18
October 28, 2016

Listen like the Prophet Listened

Shaykh Walead Mosaad describes the accommodation of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and his care for people. He sites some stories of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that portray his attention to detail and the small things in his excellent dealing with people. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 17
October 25, 2016

Supplicating and Visiting our Deceased

Shaykh Walead Mosaad talks about honouring those who came before us and our deceased by supplicating for them and visiting them. He also talks about taking heed of death when visiting graves. This talk was part of the SeekersGuidance Ramadan Program. Visit the Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 16
October 21, 2016

The Most Hopeful Verse and Prophetic Forgiveness

Shaykh Walead Mosaad sums up what Prophetic Forgiveness is and how to practically work on attaining it. He also links it to having hope through the most hopeful verse in the Qur'an. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program.

Episode 15
October 18, 2016

Meaningful Apology

Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the concept of apology when repenting. He categorizes that apologizing to the creator is needed, as well as to the creation if one has wronged them. He also explains that sincere apology is unconditional and stems from recognizing one's folly. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 14
October 14, 2016

Keep Hope Alive

Shaykh Walead Mosaad discusses the understanding of recognizing God's blessings and what it means in terms of Hope. He also explains that on the contrary, not recognizing God's blessings may be detrimental to one's belief. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 13
October 11, 2016

True Wealth

\ Shaykh Walead Mosaad talks about contentment and clarifies where true wealth comes from. He also warns against envy and explains its origins. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 12
October 7, 2016

Don’t Despair from God’s Mercy

Shaykh Walead Mosaad addresses the concept of repentance and describes what it entails in the early stages of someone's spiritual life. He advises to not despair from God's mercy and to witness that the repentance is a sign of God's grace and giving. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 11
October 4, 2016

Live the Qur’an

Shaykh Walead Mosaad calls to spread the Qur'an by being and living the meanings of the Qur'an and the sunna. He says that is the most effective and emphatic way to share the Qur'an with others. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 10
September 30, 2016

The Prophetic Call to God !

  Shaykh Walead Mosaad makes the point that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) called to God, not to the outward actions of Islam. He explains that forgiveness, and all of religion is all about God, and not the self. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 9
September 28, 2016

Etiquettes of Visiting the Sick

Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the importance of visiting the sick and gives some key etiquettes to uphold when visiting. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.   Resources for seekers Sunnahs for a Healthy Community Prophetic Supplications to Cure Illnesses A Glimpse into the Noble Character of God's Messenger What Dua To Recite When Sick and In Need Of Healing? Advice to a Young Cancer Patient Is It an Innovation to Recite the Qur'an Seeking a Cure? Allah Will Never Forget The Good We Do For Others

Episode 8
September 23, 2016

Why Forgive?

Shaykh Walead Mosaad explains the idea of forgiveness, where it stems from, and why it is important to forgive and seek forgiveness. He links between forgiving and being forgiven.  This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 7
September 21, 2016

Compassion: Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

In this talk on "speaking no evil" Shaykh Walead Mosaad answers a question about how one can hold their tongue and give people the benefit of the doubt out of compassion. This talk was part of the SeekersHub Ramadan Program. Visit the Your Ramadan Hub podcast for the full lessons and talks.

Episode 6
June 16, 2016

Human Forgiveness: What You Need To Know About It

Human Forgiveness: What You Need To Know About It, by Shaykh Walead Mosaad Capturing the Spirit of Ramadan Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation Every night our Ramadan scholars will explore one of the three key spiritual goals of Ramadan. Each talk will conclude with a dynamic conversation as we explore mercy, forgiveness and salvation deeply and see how we can attain these divine gifts practically. These talks will enliven and inspire us as we begin our nightly ‘isha and tarawih prayers. Daily at 10:00 pm EST. Attend in person at SeekersHub Toronto or watch live.   Let’s #GiveLight to Millions More We envision a world in which no one is cut off from the beauty, mercy and light of the Prophetic ﷺ example. A world where the dark ideology of a few is dwarfed by radiant example of the many who follow the way of the Prophet ﷺ. But we can’t do it alone. We need your support. This Ramadan, we need you to help us #GiveLight to millions more. Here’s how.

Episode 5
June 13, 2016

Dealing with Tribulations Inward and Outward

How should we deal with tribulations? Shaykh Walead Mosaad answers this critical question and explains that dealing with tribulations has two levels: on the inward and the outward. He provides keys to heal inwardly and act outwardly when one is afflicted with tribulations or witnesses them. This talk is part of a Q&A session at one of the talks in the SeekersHub Toronto Retreat that occurs annually.

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Episode 4
June 13, 2016

Thoughts on the Orlando Shooting Tragedy

Our apologies for the quality of this recording.   Shaykh Walead will teach at SeekersHub for part of Ramadan 2016. Details can be found here. Our thanks for Sakina Collective for this recording, where Shaykh Walead Mosaad is scholar in residence. Visit their Facebook page and Soundcloud. Photo from Beck Diefenbach (Reuters)

Episode 3
May 31, 2016

Are you ready for Ramadan?

There are a few days left until Ramadan, and there is so much to gain from the blessed month. Are you ready? With a few days remaining until the blessed month of Ramadan, Shaykh Walead Mosaad highlights some virtues of the month. He then shares some advice on how to prepare for Ramadan over the next few days to make the most of the month and attain the greatest benefit. Our thanks to Ihsan Productions for this recording. Shaykh Walead Mosaad is scholar in residence at Sakina Collective. Visit their Facebook page and Soundcloud.

Episode 2
May 16, 2016

The Enduring Legacy

Law. Edict. Fatwa. Islam is often associated with a set of rigid rules which must be followed or else. Of course, every faith lays down a code of conduct and a way of living, but what are rules without principles? What are laws without ethics? What is the letter without the spirit? Shaykh Walead Mosaad answers categorically: soulless. The legacy of the Prophet is ethics - his enduring legacy and a framework for positive living. Shaykh Walead's call to unite with all people on the basis of shared ethics and common values is a compelling call to action and timely reminder of what faith is all about. Our thanks to The Radical Middle Way for this recording. Shaykh Walead Mosaad is scholar in residence at Sakina Collective. Visit their Facebook page and Soundcloud. Photo by Santi foto.

Episode 1
May 3, 2016

The Force of Faith

Everybody seems to be looking out for number one. Narcissism. Consumerism. The Me Generation. But we all know great things never came from people who were just concerned about themselves or their little patch of ground. The true force for change is service. Service to others. Service to community. Service because we can be greater and more blessed than we are. It's a force of faith. In this timely message, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the spiritual roots of service and the Prophetic call that should ignite a new generation into action. Government's can talk "big society", people of faith do it and make real change happen. Our thanks to The Radical Middle Way for this recording. Shaykh Walead Mosaad is a scholar in residence at Sakina Collective. Visit their Facebook page and Soundcloud. Photo by Akash Malhotra.