Episode 21
March 11, 2017

How can I battle bad thoughts during worship?

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: How can I battle bad thoughts during worship?  Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/    

Episode 20
January 30, 2017

What is the hadith about the last person to enter paradise?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: What is the hadith about the last person to enter paradise? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 19
January 27, 2017

Is repentance accepted if you sin again?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: Is repentance accepted if you sin again?  Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 18
January 27, 2017

Can I make up missed prayers in masjid?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: Can I make up missed prayers in masjid? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/  

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Episode 17
January 18, 2017

How Do I See Prophet Muhammad in My Dreams? 4 Ways to the Vision of Allah’s Beloved

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: How Do I See Prophet Muhammad in My Dreams? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 16
January 2, 2017

Should I say ‘Assalam…’ or ‘Salaam…’ at the end of prayer?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: Should I say 'Assalam...' or 'Salaam...' at the end of prayer? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/    

Episode 15
December 28, 2016

Is Is Student Finance Haram Or Halal?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question:  Is Student Finance Haram Or Halal? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 14
December 21, 2016

Why is Allah withholding rizq (provision) from me?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: Why is Allah withholding rizq (provision) from me? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 13
December 14, 2016

Is food bought with a credit card halal?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: Is food bought with a credit card halal? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 12
November 30, 2016

Can I attend my Muslim cousin’s marriage to a Christian man?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: Can I attend my Muslim cousin's marriage to a Christian man? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/  

Episode 11
November 30, 2016

Can I pray behind an open sinner?

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question:  Can I pray behind an open sinner? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/  

Episode 10
November 17, 2016

Should I make up missed prayers or pray sunnah prayers?

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: should we do make up prayers that we have missed or should we pray sunna prayers (or both)?  Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/  

Episode 9
November 10, 2016

How to Advise and Correct Others in Islam?

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the proper etiquettes and approach to advising and correcting others according the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Shaykh Faraz highlights that the underlying motive to correcting others should be mercy and sincere concern. He details four different methods of approaching others if one sees something that needs correcting. Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 8
November 8, 2016

Is It Haram For A Woman With Zika Virus To Get An Abortion?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: Is it permitted for a woman effected by the Zika virus to get an abortion? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 7
November 8, 2016

Is there any reward in worship or remembrance without presence of heart?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question:  Is there any reward in worship or remembrance without presence of heart? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 6
November 3, 2016

Why Did Prophet Muhammad Have Many Names? Which Is The Best?

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question:   Why did the Prophet Muhammad have so many names? Which is the best one? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 5
November 1, 2016

How To Handle Doubts About Islam And Being Muslim?

    Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: How To Handle Doubts About Islam And Being Muslim? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 4
October 27, 2016

Should I Follow An Imam Who Has A Short Beard?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question:  Should I pray behind and follow an imam who has a short beard? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 3
October 25, 2016

How Do I Know An Islamic Scholar/Website Is Legitimate?

  Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question:  How do I know a Muslim scholar or Islamic website is legitimate and not misleading people? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/

Episode 2
October 20, 2016

What If I Have Too Many Prayers To Make Up?

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: What if I have too many prayers to make up and can't foresee making them all up? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/    

Episode 1
October 18, 2016

How To Pray Tahiyat al Masjid (greeting the mosque)?

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the following question: How do I pray Tahiyat al-Masjid (the prayer greeting the mosque)? Check out all of the SeekersGuidance Global podcasts by visiting https://seekers.flywheelstaging.com/podcasts/