Branches of Faith – 10: Domestic Life – Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib

In this session, Shaykh Muhammad Abu Bakr Ba-Dhib continues looking at the Branches of Faith from Imam Muhammad Murtada al-Zabidi’s text “ʿIqd al-Juman fi Bayan Shuʿab al-Iman” (The Necklace of Pearls in Clarifying the Branches of Faith). Continuing with the root that relates to the matters of this life, he moves on to look at the Branches of Faith which relate to the individual concerning the home and one’s personal life.

Shaykh Ba-Dhib explains the eight branches of faith that relate to the home that Imam Zabidi highlights in his work. They are: (1) holding back from unchastity, (2) establishing the pact of marriage (ʿaqd al-nikah), (3) fulfilling marital rights, (4) goodness to parents, (5) raising children, (6) connecting family ties, (7) obedience to masters–which, he notes, does apply today in venerating people of societal or religious status, such as the elderly, (8) and excellence towards bondservants. He ends by shedding light on the honour accorded to slaves in Islam to clarify any misunderstanding.

This is part of the series presented in Ramadan 2018: “Branches of Faith: The Virtues and Fruits of Faith”.

It is narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Faith is seventy some branches”. In this series some of the leading scholars will cover and explain the different branches of faith, as they have come in the works of the Islamic tradition. The branches of faith include (1) branches of belief and certitude, (2) branches of spiritual works, and (3) branches of social excellence.

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