Shaykh Yahya Rhodus on Why YOU Should Support the Islamic Scholarship Fund

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus explains why the Islamic Scholarship Fund is relevant to our times, and urges us to  contribute to this amazing cause.


Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

I wanted to strongly urge you all to contribute to the SeekersGuidance Islamic Scholarship Fund, because supporting people of knowledge, qualified teachers, is one of the most important things that we can do. It is an obligation upon the community to free them up, so that they can spend their time disseminating Prophetic inheritance, which is really one of the most important things of all.

Many of the scholars that SeekersGuidance have been supporting, were it not to be for that support, they would not be able to teach their local community, nor would they be able to teach people from around the world.

So it is really important that you and I do our part and contribute to the SeekersGuidance Islamic Scholarship Fund, so we can free these great teachers, these qualified scholars, to teach students and to take part in this process of bringing hearts to life by dissemination of the Prophetic inheritance.

May Allah give us tawfeeq to do this, accept from us and open up the doors of His mercy for all of us.