Description of the Prophet

Why The World Needs The Prophetic ﷺ Example – Shaykh Seraj Hendricks

The world is imploding on itself and there has never been a time when the Prophetic ﷺ example was more needed to lead humanity down the path of healing – Shaykh Seraj Hendricks, Al-Zawiya Institute of Cape Town, South Africa.

In 2015, SeekersGuidance undertook a tour of South Africa, with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, Ustadh Amjad Tarsin, Sidi Nader Khan and Sidi Abdul-Rehman Malik. We’re pleased to release the recordings from that tour on the SeekersGuidance YouTube channel and here on the SeekersGuidance blog.

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