Continue the Ramadan Momentum

Knowledge Gives Light: Continue the Ramadan Momentum

Knowledge Gives Light: Continue the Ramadan Momentum By Taking Our Free Online Courses—all taught by qualified scholars.

We all hope to improve in faith and practice during Ramadan. But we frequently struggle to sustain this momentum after Ramadan.

Take our free online courses, all taught by qualified scholars, completely free, in an engaging and convenient manner. Be sure to check out our Steps Curriculum, New Courses, Learning Arabic Courses, Arabiyya Courses (taught in Arabic!), and the rest of the over 100 courses.

The Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him) said, “Whomever Allah wishes well for, He grants them an understanding of religion.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain reliable understanding of religion.

Check out the full course catalog now—including new courses on Learning Arabic, new Steps Curriculum courses, and new courses taught in Arabic!