
Urgent support for scholar in medical emergency — Zakat-eligible

We need to raise $70,000 for three specific cases of scholars in desperate need. Once you’ve donated, please email us at indicating the amount donated for the urgent scholar appeal.


[1] A prominent North American scholar — an active teacher, caller to Allah and community figure — is tens of thousands of dollars in debt, unable to meet basic living expenses and is in extreme pain due to a medical condition. He does not have medical insurance and is unable to pay for the treatment he urgently needs.
[2] Another seeker of knowledge, senior student and community activist has been affected by a disability. He is suffering from PTSD due to the effects of the Gulf War. Despite health and disability challenges, he is still actively serving his community but is now on the verge of homelessness.
[3] A respected Syrian scholar, who fled the troubled situation in Syria, is now unable to provide for his family. He is living in a country where there’s a glut of Syrian refugees and there is no work available for him, not even menial work. He is having difficulty surviving, let alone teaching and serving.
We need to urgently raise at least $70,000. Please give generously from your Zakat and charity. The above are three examples from at least half a dozen critical cases of scholars and students in urgent need.


Once you have donated, please email us at indicating the amount donated to the urgent scholar appeal.
Baraka’llah fikum,
Faraz Rabbani,
Executive Director, SeekersGuidance Global