Islamic Scholars Fund

Support the Islamic Scholars Fund

Help raise $2,000,000 to support the most deserving students and scholars.

The SeekersGuidance Islamic Scholars Fund helps deserving Islamic scholars and students dedicate themselves to studying and teaching Islam.

Give your zakat and charity to support the Prophetic legacy. Help the Islamic Scholars Fund raise $250,000 by Ramadan to support the most deserving scholars and students around the world.

Your support will enable these inheritors of the Prophetic legacy spread clarity in these times of  chaos and confusion. In times of chaos it is our duty to preserve this legacy and fulfill our trust. Give to the Islamic Scholars Fund

“What better thing can you do than to support SeekersGuidance Islamic Scholars Fund? Its a no-brainer! But yes its harder to have a sound heart – to really have a passionate commitment to knowledge, to scholarships, and to supporting the scholars and supporting the students of knowledge.”

Imam Zaid Shakir 



“It is through our diversity and our distinct and diverse perspectives that we are enriched through knowledge and understanding and experience. We cannot leave the incredible potential that lies within 50% of our community to the side.”

– Dr Ingrid Mattson


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