What Is the Benefit of Fasting for 40 Days?

What Is the Ruling Regarding the One Who Intentionally Breaks Their Fast During Ramadan? [Shafi’i]

Shafi'i Fiqh

Answered by  Habib Umar bin Hafiz

Question: Assalam aleykum

What is the ruling regarding the one who intentionally breaks their fast during Ramadan?

Answer: [Assalam alaykum]

Repentance for Omitting an Obligatory Fast

The one who intentionally and willfully breaks their fast during Ramadan is required to:

i) hasten in repentance to Allah, the Blessed and Exalted;

ii) to have remorse for what he has committed; and

iii) to make up what was missed, while feeling remorse.

There will never be any other remedy besides true remorse and returning to Allah. In fact, were one to fast his entire lifetime without remorse or repentance, this would not benefit him. Only true remorse, repentance, and turning to Allah, the Majestic will suffice him. It is imperative to immediately rectify one’s state, hasten in regret, repentance, and in making up what was missed.

Consequences of Omitting versus Denying the Obligation of the Fast

If such a person accepts the obligation of fasting during Ramadan, then such a person would have committed a grave sin. Their breaking the fast without a valid excuse was due to following their ego and lower desires, while still acknowledging the truth of the obligation. However, one who denies the obligation itself would thereby leave the fold of the Religion (and refuge is sought with Allah).

Such a person would be required to return immediately to the religion of truth and guidance, the religion of Islam. They should believe with certainty that Allah has made such fasting obligatory upon us through the Qur’an and His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him and his folk). The Companions, Successors, and those who followed them with excellence were all in consensus regarding this.

Translated by Mahmoud Hamed

Habib Umar bin Hafiz  is a descendant of the Prophet (upon him be Allah’s peace and blessings). Born into a family of scholars, Habib Umar, pursued the sacred sciences from a young age, including Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, ‘Aqeedah, Arabic, and Spirituality. In 1994, he established Dar al-Mustafa, an educational institute in Tarim, Yemem.

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ما حكم من أفطر متعمدا في رمضان؟
من أفطر متعمدا مختارا في رمضان فعليه أن يسرع بالتوبة إلى الله تبارك وتعالى، وأن يندم على ما كان منه، وأن يقضي ما فاته نادماً، فليس سوى صدق الندم والرجوع إلى الله من دواء له أبداً، وإنه لا يغني عنه لو صام العمر كله وهو غير نادمٍ وغير تائبٍ فلن يفيده ذلك، ولكن صدق ندمه وتوبته ورجوعه إلى ربِّه جلَّ جلاله، فينبغي أن يتدارك حاله وأن يسرع بالندم والتوبة وأن يقضي ما فات عليه.
ويكون مرتكباً للكبيرة مادام معتقداً وجوب صوم رمضان وإنما تعمد الفِطر بغير عذر إتباعاً للنفس وللهوى مع إقراره بفرضيته، أما مَنْ أنكر فرضيته، فبإنكاره للفرضية يخرج من الملة والعياذ بالله، ويجب عليه أن يعود سريعاً إلى دائرة ملة الحق والهدى ملة الإسلام، ويوقن بأن الله فرض علينا هذا الصيام بالقرآن وعلى لسان رسوله، وقد أجمع على ذلك الصحابة والتابعون وتابعوهم بإحسان.