Did I Become a Disbeliever?
Question: I have been fearing becoming a disbeliever. I try to repress such thoughts, and I fear that these thoughts are distancing me from Allah Most High. Are these thoughts merely misgivings for Shaytan?
May Allah reward you for coming sincerely with your question.
Short Answer
These thoughts are misgivings from Shaytan. You are not accountable for them, and they are not indicative of you being distanced from Allah Most High; in fact, the existence of these thoughts may indicate closeness to Allah and the desperation of Shaytan, as explained below.
Pure Faith
Practical Steps
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Shaykh Yusuf Weltch is a graduate from Tarim; a student of Habib Umar and other luminaries; and authorized teachers of the Qur’an and the Islamic sciences